Chapter 21

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-The Hidden Leaf

Everyone from the leaf was gathered around the Hokage building, wondering what Lady Tsunade, The Fifth Hokage, was about to announce. All schools and academies were given a half day so that the teachers as well as the students could be here. Tsunade along with Shizune appeared on top of the building. Everyone had different theories about this. Some thought that The Hidden Leaf was going to declare war over another nation while others thought that Tsunade was finally going to retire. Tsunade came forward and started her speech.

"Two former ninjas of The Hidden Leaf and a wandering ninja, who have continued to help us and the whole ninja world from behind a mask, have returned home and I want you to accept them with open arms." Tsunade finished off. As if on cue, a bolt of lightning struck the roof and Neko appeared beside Tsunade. He was dressed in an olive green full sleeve with a black sleeveless flak jacket and anbu pants. The flak jacket had a small Uchiha Clan symbol on its back. "One of the two founding members of Team Uzu and one of the few remaining Uchiha. We thought that we lost him to Orochimaru and he had turned evil but we were wrong. He is a master of Lightning Chakra and the Sharingan. He has also killed Deidara of the Akatsuki. Sasuke, it's good to have you back."

"Thank you. Tsunade-sama." He said, taking off all of his masks to reveal his true identity. A lot of people were surprised and some girls including Sakura had already started screeching and fan-girling over him. After him, Suzume appeared in a Fire Shunshin. She was dressed in a blue, sleeveless, high collared t-shirt and with arm warmers and a skirt with anbu armour protecting her shins. "A new addition to Team Uzu and Kitsune's younger sister who comes from the rare Uzumaki Clan. She is level 9 seal master and is a formidable opponent in Kenjutsu. She is also a strategist and is one of the few users of the boil release. She is also a master of Fire Release and had a hand in killing off Sasori of the Sand. Aiko, welcome to The Hidden Leaf."

With a nod, she took off her mask and gave a smile to Tsunade who gladly returned it. There was a lot of cheering and a lot ninjas were even drooling at her sight, after all she was gorgeous with her fiery red hair pulled up in a ponytail, beautiful face and an athletic figure. Then between the Sasuke and Aiko, a kunai landed. The crowd gasped at this because this wasn't any ordinary kunai, this was a slightly modified version of Lord Fourth's tri-prolongated kunai. In a bright orange flash, Kitsune appeared while the villagers were in shock. The only two people to ever use this technique were the second and fourth Hokage. He was wearing a white jacket which had the same fire markings that were present on the Fourth Hokage's cloak along with a pair of black anbu pants.

"Another founding member of Team Uzu and Aiko's older brother. He is the son of the Fourth Hokage and comes from two prestigious clans, the Uzumaki and the Senju. He has the extremely rare Kekkei Genkai of the wood release which was only naturally seen in The First Hokage. He is also the jinchuriki of the great Nine Tailed Fox. Naruto Uzumaki, it's good to have you back, brat." As soon as the people heard this, they went pale. There was no clapping, no cheering, just silence. As he took off his mask, the eyes of the crowd gathered had widened and they couldn't believe this. The messy sunshine blonde hair, the same azure blue eyes, the similarities were just too many to ignore. The Forth Hokage was dead so there was no denying that he was the son of Minato.

Guilt started seeping into the hearts of the crowd; they had treated the legacy of Minato Namikaze, the man who gave his life for the village, like he was a piece of shit. They were filled with regret and were completely ashamed of themselves but they still had a chance of making this right, it wasn't too late yet. They started cheering louder, louder than they had cheered for anyone. Naruto gave a genuine smile after feeling accepted. From atop another building, Jiraiya was watching this proudly, he was slightly upset when Naruto didn't use the special toad dance to introduce himself but the epic entrance made up for it.

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