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"I will take that into consideration, Sasuke." Tsunade said, gathering her stack of papers and placing it in a folder. "I actually wanted to ask you something important, so tarry a while. After taking down Danzou, the Root was left without a leader. At that time, we locked up them all up but Danzou's root was a major part of the Leaf's military strength. Most of the people in Konoha did not know about it which made it almost impossible for the other villages to know about it. Whenever we were attacked suddenly, his force was there to help us but now, forty percent of Konoha's military strength has fallen with his death and we need to recover that loss before the other villages get a whiff of it. I can just imagine Onoki smiling like a maniac while planning to invade the home of the late Yellow Flash. With the Sharingan, you are an ideal candidate for the position."

"Why can't Kakashi do it?" Sasuke muttered.

"Because he does not have enough control on the Sharingan and he has requested not to be considered for this position due to personal reasons." Tsunade replied calmly.

"Hn. I'll think about it but please don't get your hopes high." Sasuke said, getting up from his seat. He then bowed in front of Tsunade and after being dismissed shunshined away to the market. He had to get the groceries this time.

-Akimichi private training ground

The Akimichi clan had a huge training ground which unlike other grounds was not surrounded by trees or forests. The reason for this was that most of the clan jutsus were made for flattening opponents or breaking buildings. So, instead of trees, the ground had multiple rocks and boulders which were huge in size. Currently, only one Akimichi was training, Choji. He had focused on getting muscular and reducing his body fat and just within a week, he had lost half his weight. Instead of rolling around, he was practicing his punches and kicks. Loosing most of that fat made him more agile. After practicing his jabs one last time, he started doing pushups. This was his daily routine; he did a hundred pushups every day, taking a page out of Rock Lee's book. Along with this, he also ran seven laps around the village every morning and did a hundred sit ups before dinner. But despite all of this, he was still not happy with himself as he hadn't started his training in Ninjutsu.

A day ago, he had found out that his chakra nature was Fire. He had tried some simple jutsus but despite his hardest attempts, he failed to succeed in learning them. After his physical training, he quickly changed and decided to visit the Konoha Library, to find a book to guide him. After going through some books, he finally found what he was looking for. "Mastering Fire". Choji was buzzing when found out that it was written by one of the leaf's founders, Madara Uchiha. The book also contained his personal thoughts and experiences along with his most used Fire Release techniques. He had written this book for the young Uchihas but now it was available to the whole village. While borrowing the book, Choji observed that the last person to borrow it was Fugaku Uchiha. He planned to read it before going to sleep that night. He needed all the help he could get to get his revenge.

-The Uchiha-Uzumaki House

"Alright, now draw the seal in this way and without lifting the brush, start writing inside it." Aiko demonstrated as Ino observed attentively. Ino had asked for her help a few hours ago as Naruto was called with Sasuke to the Hokage office for a mission and she figured that this would also be a good bonding experience with Aiko as she did not know her that well. "And once you have finished writing, just add the capacity of the scroll on the bottom before finally lifting the brush. If the seal glimmers once it's done, the storage seal is ready." Aiko said, handing Ino a scroll and a brush dipped in the famous ink from the octopuses around Uzushio.

Ino started copying the seal but because she was not allowed to lift the brush up, her seal was getting messier and messier. Keeping the brush on the paper the whole time was not necessary but it was a tradition and one of the many reasons why the Uzumaki could always get a seal faster than any other seal master during battle. Aiko and Naruto had learnt fuinjutsu according to the old texts by their late ancestors and slowly started realizing the benefits of it while battling Jiraiya as they could get always get seals done before him even though he was more experienced.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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