Chapter 2 - Gala

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Chapter 2 — Gala

Chapter 2 — Gala

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"Wait wut."


What were they going to again? Ah right, a gala. Y/n huffed as she pulled on the dress 

 trying to not stand out or being underdressed at the same time

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 trying to not stand out or being underdressed at the same time.

Hearing her grandparents flirt downstairs was enough. As much as she loved them and liked how in love they were, she had experienced it for way too long.

Seeing them about to kiss, Y/n speed walked to them, placing her head there so she would get two kisses on her cheeks. Backing away in surprise, her grandparents laughed, Y/n's grandpa ruffling her hair while her grandma tried to fix it.

Y/n loved her grandparents, always there for her when her parents couldn't be.

"Remind me why we have to go to this gala again?" Y/n asked, slightly annoyed she had to make an effort with her appearance. Heck, she was stunning everyday but nooooo, Lola just had to say dress.

"According to the rich people gossip here in Gotham, we're the new rich people and they're using this gala for their own opportunity."

"But we don't have a company or anything. They could just search it up and boom, they'd know that we're lying."

"Oh but we do."

"Wait wut." Y/n and her grandpa said at the same time, eyes wide in shock.

"Why do you think I design so much clothes? Making outfits with Zooky?"

"I don't know, I just thought it was your hobby or something." Y/n answered.

"Same."Lola hit Lolo lightly on the shoulder as if she was insulted that he didn't know.

"So what's it called Lola?"

"Bowtrufful, after the Bowtruckle and the word Beautiful."

"How original- ack- why do you keep hitting me?" Lolo complained as Y/n and her grandma laughed.


At the gala, Y/n was bored. Anything could be better than this. She had already managed to break her heals so that she could have flats instead, hoping no one (more specifically her Lola) would notice.

She was on the side, looking at all the people interacting with each other. Her Lolo had gained a crowd with his talent for storytelling and her Lola was crowded with people who wanted to do business with her.

Everywhere she looked there was something bright and shiny, way too shiny. It felt as if she were being blinded.

Y/n liked observing the muggles. She liked how her family seemed to blend in with them. She didn't like, however, the eyes burning into the side of her head.

Y/n didn't face whoever was staring, already expecting at least some stares from people who wanted to do business with her grandma.

She didn't expect to be tapped on the shoulder, turning around to see a tall man and a boy a bit taller than her. They looked to be brothers by how young the taller man was, but Y/n was just assuming. He could have been a young father, but that was just a possibility Y/n kept in mind.

"Hi there, you're Y/n right?" The tall man asked with a kind smile on his face. The other one seemed kind of grumpy.

"Yeah, I'm Y/n. Who might you two be?" She replied, keeping in mind of manners.


Y/n had been left with Damian, whom Dick abandoned. He seemed eager to leave his brother after introducing themselves. He insisted on being called Dick instead of Richard. Damian didn't seem to want to talk much, in fact he seemed to share the same thoughts of Y/n; to get out of here.

So, Y/n did her best and initiated the short conversation.

"Do you.. want to get out of here? I don't necessarily like galas and I bet anywhere would be better than here right now."

Damian stared at her before nodding. The two of them sneaked out to the park, just walking around. Y/n wasn't cold because her grandpa casted a warming spell to keep them all warm.

There wasn't much conversation. Y/n just sitting on the swings as Damian took the other, observing her.

Y/n didn't mind. Being wary of someone you just met was normal, even if you tried to hide it.

"So... What do you like to do?"

"None of your business L/n."

Y/n coughed, haven't hearing her last name being used once since moving to America. She let out a small smile, remembering Hogwarts before deciding to try and lead the conversation.

"Alright then. In my spare time, I like watching or playing... Sports. Sometimes I get to watch duels but that's only if my grandma doesn't catch me watching it. She says it's too much violence but everyone's fine at the end because it's professional. Oh, what school do you go to?"


"I don't know much schools here since I just moved, but I'm going to keep going to a school abroad for advanced education. Do you have any friends at your school Damian?"

"... Why would you like to know?"

"Well, I guess it's just because I want to get to know you, but you don't have to share if you're uncomfortable. I'll just share instead."

Damian huffed, but Y/n caught him subtly nodding so she continued.

"I have this friend who's super smart and a total bookworm, but she could be super bad@ss when she wants to be. I also have this friend who's super good at chess and he has a super big family, he's really kind and funny. And then my other friend who has trouble always chasing him when he doesn't want it."


Dick watched in the distance as he saw Y/n talk and Damian listen to her. Every once in a while he would say something short back, causing Y/n to smile. 'He's opening up.' Dick thought to himself as he backed away, returning to the gala.

Yay, Y/n has her first friend in Gotham: Damian Wayne! How exciting. Do you think Damian is going to turn into a softy for Y/n? Probably. 

S. Skyalent

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