New Years Special!

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Hello! I'm going to make this quick cause I'm celebrating myself, but happy New Years everyone! It's 2022 coming soon for me (perhaps it's already Jan. 1 2022 for the people across the world). 

Here's some headcannons I guess for New Years! (This is mainly with the Batfam cause right now, everyone else believes Y/n is dead)

- Dick would be the first one awake and would be jumping on everyone's beds as if it was Christmas morning 

- Y/n would join him

- Y/n would also convince the rest of her brothers to jump on Bruce's bed to wake him up 

- Y/n also manages to get Bruce to not have night patrol (he had to call in some favors) 

- Tim tries to set up the fireworks in the backyard 

- Y/n just says she could do it with magic and he's just like- "Why didn't you tell me earlier???" 

- Y/n also shares some spare prank candies that she had from the Weasley twins to her family who has no clue and laughs when she sees a large confused Canary flying around the manor (thanks to the Canary Creams) 

- Y/n jokingly gives Jason a "magical" gun but whenever he pulls the trigger bubbles with different colors appear 

- Y/n then jumps into the bubble and starts floating and Dick freaks out 

- Cue Alfred walking into the living room seeing the batboys + Y/n floating in bubbles and knocking each other around 

- Y/n teaches them how to play Quidditch and sets up a Quidditch pitch in the backyard 

- Whoever gets Y/n on their team wins 

- Bruce joins in and is also very good at the game 

- Alfred is very surprised that the manor is very clean (thanks to Y/n using Scourgify) 

- Y/n wants Alfred to sit back and relax 

- Just a very happy day with family 

- Happy New Years! Even if you are alone and can't meet up with family, we can all celebrate this New Year together. Let's say cheers to the future! 

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