Chapter 38 - Deadpool

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Chapter 38 — Deadpool

Chapter 38 — Deadpool

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"I want her back-"


The DA had been doing well so far, not being caught, and Harry's confidence in teaching was increasing with every lesson. It distracted him from most things that haunted his life. And with the added help of someone Peeves has been calling "Deadpool," most of the student body had become excellent actors of being in pain.

Actually, Deadpool was often a topic that was talked about by students and teachers alike, and students were amused to see teachers interact with Peeves to see if Deadpool had any new plans or to give new ideas to Deadpool, and to see them talking was the most civil they have ever seen Peeves before.

Umbridge, who obviously greatly despised this new Deadpool character, had set up another one of her many many rules, one of which was to never talk about Deadpool aloud ever because he was a "bad example to the students." And to be fair, "Deadpool" kind of was a bad example, but only because Umbridge was a good example of a very bad b1tch.

Ron was obviously a very big fan of this Deadpool. He wanted to figure out who it was, but also respected Deadpool's privacy. In the safety of the Gryfindor common room, he was always talking about Deadpool and how cool they were.

When Harry told Ron that the name "Deadpool" had come from the comics where an antihero had the same name, Ron asked if Harry had any comics. Harry kept that in mind to give as a gift in the future.

Hermione was less than impressed with the actions of Deadpool, and tried to figure out Deadpool's identity. But when she realized that all the mischief had only been aimed at Umbridge, she stayed quiet and quietly handed out Deadpool materials to other students in need.

The twins however, weren't interested in figuring out who Deadpool was. Rather, they wanted to send letters, asking for help or inspiration. Deadpool was an idol in their eyes, much like The Marauders. Peeves was their only way of connecting with Deadpool, but Peeves was rather resilient to their pleds.

"Peeves you gotta tell us how we can contact Deadpool."

"No can do Weenies! Deadpool is in a super duper top secret location!" and with that, Peeves blew raspberries at the Weasley twins and flew away, cackling.

Shroud watched from the end of the hall as the Weasley twins sulked. Hearing footsteps behind him, a thin hand grasped on his shoulder, making him gasp.

"Are they causing trouble?" the squeaky voice of Umbridge came from behind him and Shroud tensed. He knew that her kindness towards him was only an act. If he was not of use to her, she would be cold and cruel.

"Not yet Professor," Shroud replied, trying to hide his nervousness, "I'm waiting to catch them."

Umbridge, buying his lie, nodded, gave 5 points to Slytherin and left. As soon as Shroud was sure she was gone, he bolted down the hall, bumping straight into the twins who had overheard everything.

They looked him in the eyes to find Shroud close to tears and pulled him into a hug.

"I don't like this." Shroud mumbled into Fred's shoulder.

"We know."

"I want her back-" Shroud choked on a cry and the twins felt their hearts clench.

"...We know."


Damian stared at the ceiling of his room as he waited for Y/n to finish... whatever magic thing she was doing in her own room. Reflecting, Y/n had made him so much more softer than how he used to act, but if he were to pick between being cold to Y/n or staying as this "new" Damian, he would cross off ever being rude to Y/n.

But right now, he was feeling... lonely? Perhaps it was loneliness, Damian couldn't tell. Dick could probably tell him, but Damian knew he was going to start being clingy and would attack him with hugs and attention.

Getting up, Damian walked to Y/n's room, his fist hovering over her door. Should he knock? But he didn't want to disturb her while she was working hard. Contemplating, he finally decided to knock, but when he did he didn't hit the hard surface of her door.


"Ah- Sorry Ukht, I was going to knock on your door." Damian flushed with embarrassment, facing the other direction so that Y/n couldn't see his blush. He couldn't believe he hit Y/n's face instead.

Y/n laughed, "It's okay, it was only my forehead, at least you didn't poke my eye out. What were you going to ask me anyways?"


Sensing Damian's confusion, Y/n clarified, "You came to knock on my room for a reason right?"

"Yes, can we..." Damian mumbled and Y/n raised an eyebrow. Why was Damian acting all shy of a sudden?

"Can you repeat that? I didn't hear that last bit."

"Can we hang out?"

Damian felt like it was an hour (it was only a couple seconds) that Y/n took to respond. Smiling, Y/n took Damian's hand and started running towards the front door. "C'mon, lets head to our park."

Damian squeezed her hand, and she squeezed back.

"Alfred, we're heading out! We'll be back before dinner!"

"Alright Ms Y/n, if you both decide to get a snack, don't eat too much, you don't want to ruin dinner."

"Yes Pen- Alfred/Got it Alfred!" Damian and Y/n responded before leaving.

Walking to the park, Y/n swung hers and Damian's hands. She felt like it had been forever since they last hung out. Peeking at Damian, she knew that Damian felt like it too. She held Damian's hand tighter before loosening her grip. Damian turned to her.

"Sorry for what?"

"It's just that.. We haven't hung out in a while, have we? I mean, I know we see each other every day, but..." Y/n didn't know what else to say, but she didn't have to say anything else, Damian understood. Squeezing her hand in reply, they reached the park and Damian complied with the game Y/n decided they should play for the day.

But as they ran around the playground, they failed to notice a smiling face watching from the shadows, danger lurking in his eyes.

"It seems Brucie Wucie got me a new toy!" He laughed maniacally as he walked away.

"It's time to have some fun," he grinned, smile stretching wide.

So, unless it wasn't clear already, Y/n and Damian can understand each other just by squeezing each other's hands (I'm not sure if I mentioned that before, but now you know!).

An iconic friend is going to be joining Harry in the next chapter :)


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