Chapter 21 - The Third Task

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Chapter 21 — The Third Task

Chapter 21 — The Third Task

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"Y/n's gone missing again."

Note: Yes, I'm leaving some room between the past and Y/n's current present to leave suspense. So you'll be seeing Mr Newt another time.


Y/n carefully guided some Blast-Ended Skrewts with Hagrid, making sure that they could roam carefully and safely within the hedges of the Triwizard Maze. It was times like these Y/n was sure Dumbledore used her knowledge and bonds with magical creatures to his advantage, so that less casualties were made while setting up the tasks.

Turning around after guiding the Skrewt to its spot to roam, Y/n turned to face Hagrid, "Ha-.." but he wasn't there. Freezing in her place, she looked around frantically for the half giant, pulling her wand out of her robes.

About to send a signal to the sky, Y/n was suddenly hit and her wand flew away from her hand. Looking for her attacker as she stood up, she recognized the spell that was used silently. Expelliarmus. A figure was seen fleeing quickly and Y/n looked around the corner to see who it was but they had disappeared.

Someone wanted to trap her here, and successfully did so as Y/n didn't know how to get out of the maze without Hagrid. She shouted for help. For anybody to hear her for minutes.

But nobody came.

Y/n sighed. The Final Task would be tomorrow, she thought. She only needed to last a day, and then maybe somebody would hear her... but nobody would hear her amongst the chatter of the students, she rethought. Maybe one of the champions would be able to help her. Sitting down next to the Blast-Ended Skrewt who stayed to protect her, she curled up into a ball, trying to preserve some warmth, slightly gaining some by the fire the Skrewt started on a hedge for her.


"Y/n's gone missing again." It was these times Harry wished he had the Marauder's Map still with him instead of Mad-Eye Moody, but they also needed to find Crouch.

"She wasn't in her dorm?" Ron asked Hermione, who was slightly stressed out by the loss of her friend. The two seemed to be even closer than before, as well as the twins and Cedric, and Ron and Harry had no clue what had happened between them.

"No, she wasn't. Not since yesterday morning. I haven't seen her since." Hermione fretted as she took deep breaths before heading towards the stands yelling back to them, "Good luck Harry! I'll go see if I can find Y/n in the stands. Maybe she was caught up in the crowd!" and she ran towards them to find her friend.

Harry was slightly wondering where Y/n ran off to. Perhaps she lost time hanging out with some creature or doing homework. He was kind of sad that she wasn't there to cheer for him, but he couldn't focus on that now. He needed to survive this task, and then everything will be finally over.


Y/n heard the sounds that signalled to her that the task had started. The Skrewt beside her aware and ready to protect. They had somehow made their way to the trophy, the place Y/n deemed the most safe other than the exit.

After waiting for a while, she spotted Harry and Cedric running towards the center as they tried not to die. Her heart raced as Harry went back to help Cedric and they finally made it to the safety of the clearing with the trophy.

"Y/n! What are you-?" Harry yelped as the Skrewt aggressively growled at them. Y/n muttered something to the Skrewt and it calmed down, backing off and leaving to finally explore the maze.

"I got stuck here after helping the Skrewts get settled, but when I turned around Hagrid was gone. I was gonna send a signal with my wand but someone used the Disarming Charm on me and my wandless magic is still very limited." Y/n explained as the boys looked at her, Cedric embracing his younger sister figure in a hug.

"Thank goodness, I got worried when I heard you had gone missing. Hermione yells pretty loudly you know? She was very worried for you, I could tell." Cedric said as he let go, doing one last examination to make sure she was alright and not hurt.

Y/n smiled tiredly as she looked at the two, "So, who's our Triwizard Champion Winner?"

"You can touch it Harry,"


Y/n watched as they both argued before agreeing to touch the trophy at the exact same time. "Y/n, you touch it too, or hold my hand." Cedric said as Y/n looked confused.


"It'll probably take us back to the beginning right? I don't want you still stuck in this maze with the possibility of getting hurt." Harry nodded along to Cedric's explanation and Y/n grabbed Cedric's hand, holding tightly.

"I don't have a good feeling about this though." Y/n stared at the trophy and Cedric squeezed back in reassurance. Ignoring her comment, they counted down from 3 and touched the trophy at the exact same time.

"W-where are we?"

"I told you both this wasn't a good idea." Y/n said as they looked around the place they had been taken. An eerie graveyard, and it was not helping Y/n's bad feeling that was steadily increasing.

As they continued to advance in the graveyard, Y/n held Cedric's hand even tighter, who kept holding hers to sooth her worries. But when Harry read a certain grave and started to panic, Y/n was already on the verge of tears but kept it together.

It was found useless as Harry warned the two to get back to the cup because fate had three words prepared for them.

"Kill the spares."

At those words Y/n went near Cedric, trying to block him from the green light that was heading towards them quickly. Cedric went to do the same. And after that green light, she couldn't see a thing.

Ah, well... Feedback..??? How's this story for you so far??


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