Chapter 27 -The Bucket List (Part 1)

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Skyalent: Checking my profile to see the last time I made a chapter

Also Sky: I hope it wasn't that long...

...Sky: It's been 2 weeks and I haven't even written anything. Wow.

I'M SORRY BUT NOT SORRY! I had a lovely break and now I am fresh with ideas (not really but more refreshed than I had been before).


Chapter 27 —The Bucket List (Part 1)

Chapter 27 —The Bucket List (Part 1)

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"You're such a drama queen Dick."


"Come on Y/n, we're almost done with the bucket list, get up!" Dick took his sister by the arm and tried to drag her out of bed.

"...Dick did you even check if Y/n was still in her comatose state for the 5 days?"

Tim asked after watching his brother struggle getting Y/n out of bed, sipping his nth cup of coffee from the Ravenclaw mug Y/n got him for Christmas. Dick dropped Y/n's arm which flopped on the bed then turned to the large calendar with neat notes that they placed in her room to keep track of her coma.


— — — — — — — — — —

With some suitcases packed and ready, Y/n, Tim and Dick waited in the living room for everyone else to arrive.

"So let me get this straight. Dick tried to get me out of bed while I was in my coma?" Y/n asked as Dick flushed in embarrassment and looked away.

"Yup. He struggled for 30 minutes. You were pretty committed to your bed." Tim replied showing her a video he took that Dick did not know about. Dick turned his head and gasped dramatically.

"Tim!" he lunged for the phone and both Tim and Y/n dodged, causing him to slump onto the floor.

"You're such a drama queen Dick." Y/n smiled and Dick turned around and posed while on the floor.

"Thank you, I try."

Damian walked in and as soon as he saw Dick on the floor his face fell flat. "Gray- (seeing Y/n look at him Damian quickly corrected himself) Dick... what are you doing on the floor?"

"... That was a good opportunity for a joke but I won't 'cause Y/n's here." Jason popped up from behind Damian and Y/n's face lit up.

"Jason!" Y/n rushed towards him and gave him a hug which he happily returned.

"I think we all know who's the favourite now." Tim whispered to Damian and Dick as they watched the hug at a distance, not willing to make fun of Jason for now because then Y/n would get upset and they wouldn't want that. They would, however, make fun of him later.

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