Chapter 41 - Safe and Sound

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Chapter 41 — Safe and Sound

Chapter 41 — Safe and Sound

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"Hi, um, Kori, right?"

A/n: Hi! I'm back! When I came back I realized I'm not exactly satisfied with the Secrets of Dumbledore chapter so I might rewrite it. I'm not sure, but for now, it is what it is.

I know it's been more than a month now since my last update, but if you're still here, thank you so much.

PS, I use google translate


It was as if Y/n was never here, Tim noticed. He had snapped out of his trance after a week when the coffee machine didn't work and he hit it out of frustration. His family was falling into darkness.

It has been 2 weeks since Y/n disappeared, almost 3, and the Wayne family had fallen apart so quickly.

Bruce was barely around, almost out day and night to find the Joker or to find any clues on Y/n's whereabouts. Jason was the same, but he never stepped foot in the manor and was relentless towards Joker's goons.

Damian went back to being a demon spawn. Not that he ever stopped, but this time, it was worse. He was cold and snappy during the day time, often going out to the clock tower Y/n disappeared from. At night, when not on patrol, Tim would sometimes catch Damian sneaking into Y/n's room, holding tightly in his hand the compass Y/n got him for Christmas.

Other than Damian, Dick took it the hardest. He blamed himself. He threw himself into training and patrols. He looked like a mess. Tim especially knew Dick wasn't himself when he didn't get the Froot Loops for breakfast but had an apple and headed out.

After realizing his state and his family's state, Tim went to apologize to Alfred, who had to put up with them when they were all brooding (though, Alfred was understandable and used to it, he appreciated Tim's apology).

He set out to help his family. For Dick, he prepared his cereal breakfast and made sure he ate it. For Jason he texted him locations of possible Joker hideouts. For Damian and his father however? He wasn't sure what to do.

They were alike when they were in the brood. Tim could only hope for a miracle.

And thankfully one came.

"Tim! Father! Y/n is alive!" Damian sprinted into the Batcave, holding onto his compass. They inspected it, and not even a few seconds later, Dick texted them.

Y/n's with Starfire. Y/n's okay, no injuries. On my way to pick her up now. Coming straight home after.

Damian was tempted to go find her but Bruce held him back. His mind finally cleared as he heard the news that Y/n was coming home. As much as he would have liked to go too, Bruce knew Dick needed this. He knew how it felt to feel like it was your fault. He knew the burden too well.

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