Chapter 51 - Bacon and Meowson

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Chapter 51 — Bacon and Meowson

Chapter 51 — Bacon and Meowson

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Dick watched as Y/n silently entered the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. She poured it on the kitchen table and then got the cereal box and dumped the cereal on top. Right after, she turned to the cabinet, grabbed a bowl, and then stared blankly at the mess she had created. Dick watched as her mind slowly computed what she had done and laughed as she made a face, looking up at him.

"Morning sleepy head." Dick teased, still half-laughing.

Y/n pouted, putting the bowl on her head like a hat saying, "You saw nothing." before backing out of the room as Dick continued to laugh.

With the successful distraction, Y/n managed to escape with the bowl of cereal Dick had been eating. Smiling in success, she ate her stolen breakfast.

Today, Y/n packed herself with homework. Struggling through a bit of Transfiguration (before finally figuring out how to make her desk vanish) and practicing (playing) with her patronus, Y/n went to take care and visit her magical friends in her satchel.

Climbing inside, Y/n briefly said hello to Zooky who was feeding Oaklyn. She patted the small Qilin who trotted towards her in excitement, showing her a stick that she had found. Y/n then played with the now hatched, baby Occamy that she had gotten from Newt the last time she was in the past. She laughed as the Occamy snuggled into her, before attempting to fly.

Exploring further into the satchel, she passed the different seasons' environments, admiring the Spring section. Suddenly, something hit her head. Turning around, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw a creature falling. Catching it in her hands, she smiled and admired it in awe as she brought it up to eye level.


Hey Harry, you know how you wrote to me about Ron wanting a friend? Oaklyn should be coming around in the evening. Keep a watch on the window! Ron can name his new friend ;)

Harry grinned as he watched Ron look up at the window again. He had been watching the window every minute ever since it got dark.

"You know, looking out the window won't make Oaklyn hurry up. They're literally across the ocean Ron."

Ron scoffed, "Have you seen how fast Oaklyn is? She's way better than Pig."

As if having heard her name an owl appeared in the distance, Ron's excited smile growing wider and wider.

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