Chapter 35 - Newt's Surprise

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Chapter 35 — Newt's Surprise


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Y/n, who was practicing how to use a sword with lessons from Wonder Woman and Damian, was finding sword fighting very fun. They never pushed her too much, but they both found she always seemed so accomplished and happy when she got a position or swing correct.

Right now, she was chilling with Jason on her bed as he told her about the trouble he and his friends had gotten into. As Jason was talking, he was also observing Y/n's room. He had never gotten the time to look *snoop* around and Y/n didn't seem to mind as he opened her desk drawers, looking into them.

In one drawer she had a bunch of pictures, and he stopped talking as he found one with her family. Her whole family. Her, as a baby, with her parents, who seemed in good health, Zooky, and her grandparents, moving and smiling in the magical picture. Another one, with her new family, their family.

A picture with a few friends Jason recognized from other pictures that Y/n had shown the family, and a picture with a man, herself, and a magical creature.

Y/n, noting his silence, sat up to find him looking at the picture and her smile wavered. "That's Newt Scamander, and Pouch. I reckon Mr. Newt is around 100 years old by now."

"... Wait but.. That doesn't make sense you look so young here though-"

"I went back in time."

".... I'm not even gonna question it anymore."

Y/n laughed and fell back onto her pillow, spreading her arms out. Jason smiled before ruffling her hair causing her to swat his hands away before he returned his attention on the picture. Turning it around, Jason found a note.

"Accio Creatura Satchel."

"..Huh?" Y/n sat up again and Jason turned the note on the picture to her.

She narrowed her eyes, "Should I try it?"

Jason shrugged, though it was clear that he wanted to see what would happen if she did the spell. Y/n grabbed her wand.

"It's a summoning spell, since it's accio... accio creatura satchel."

For a while, nothing happened, and they both shrugged it off as the spell not working or non-existent. But then something hit Y/n's window and she quickly went and opened it.

A satchel bag landed in her hands, another note attached.

For your own creature adventures one day. My suitcase, but modified. - Newt

Y/n smiled, seeing the muggle to magic switch hidden on the side, and hugged the bag tightly.

"I never knew girls loved bags that much."

"Now's not the time Jason, now's not the time."


Old Newt sat on his couch, smiling as he watched the bag float up and fly away out the open window. His time for adventure was well over, but he knew that Y/n would be just fine.

Maybe he should take Y/n's offer from her last letter and live on one of her creature reserves. Perhaps Tina wouldn't mind.

Short chapter, I know. But a special chapter is coming up soon! Be excited!

Also, any suggestions for some beast/creature names? And I mean a species kind of name + an (actual nick-) name.

Ex. Species: Hippogriff . . . Name: Buckbeak

^^Like that but make up your own species and name.


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