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Skylar knew she was probably going to die. She could feel the icy grip of Death upon her, but he was going to have to wait a bit longer, she thought to herself. She had one last thing to do before she would willingly go. She moved with a purpose, nothing but sheer will driving her forward. The smell of her own blood filling her nostrils. She could hear the banshee winds shrieking all around her as the rain beat down from the tormenting sky above. The chill of Death nearing with every step she took.

Endless black overhead, no stars anywhere. Nothing could be seen except the moon, a magnificent blood red. "Fitting." She bitterly smirked to herself as she stumbled on some unseen rock and cradled the bundle in her arms a bit more securely to herself. ​The dirt road she was on was mostly mud now soiling her dress and weighing down her already heavy skirts. But she was so focused on reaching her destination she did not notice. 

"Almost there..., He said he would be just ahead of where the road forks. I can only hope he didn't get swallowed by the fog." The last thought filled her with trepidation and caused her to hasten her step. ​Suddenly she could see a glimmer of light in the distance. As she drew closer she could begin to make him out by the light of his torch. Never had she been more relieved to see his beloved face. "Brandon..." she made eye contact with him and her tense muscles began to relax.

She had made it! Brandon took in her weary appearance and noted that her normally rosy complexion was pale and despite the chilled air, glossy with a sheen of sweat. Something was wrong. "Skylar! What has happened?" His grey eyes widened as the realization that she may be injured set in. He rushed towards her ready to aid her in any way possible.

​"Phlotostontay" He quickly muttered the command and the torch was elevated without aid so he was free to help her. "We must be quick about our business. Danger followed me here tonight. I could feel it nipping at my heels the whole way. You must take her and get her to safety at once!" Skylar rushed out now frantic! "Take her and hide her. They must never find her!" the last was said as she moved to hand him the bundle in her arms. Entrusting him to see to the child's safety.

"We can take her together Skylar. We will both keep her safe just as we discussed." He said. But then he felt it. The sticky dampness of her cloak, and he knew at once. Blood. "How bad is it Skylar? Where? How?" his eyes desperately searched hers. "We must get you to a healer at once!" Before he could even get the words fully out she was shaking her head in denial. "No, Brandon. I'm afraid it is beyond a healer's capabilities. I was careless. Foolish enough to think I had out-smarted them. I thought no one was on my trail, that I had lost them. But I was wrong. I put her in danger. To think of what might have happened if they would have gotten their claws on her." She said with a shudder. "I thought I lost them in the last village but Dominic himself was waiting for me at the river. I was able to escape him by boarding the ferry but not before he got me with a depleting spell. I will not be traveling on from here. I would only slow you down.

 You will have to go alone. I will try to hold them off as long as I can but you must be quick. Her safety now depends solely on you." Brandon could feel his chest tightening with the pain her words brought. Everything in him rebelled at what she was saying. But the reality was staring him in the face. As much as he wanted to deny it he knew she was right. The depleting spell was almost always a mortally wounding incantation meant to kill one's victim by slowly draining them of their life's blood. And like most major wounds inflicted by dark magic, the healers were unable to reverse it, only slow it down at best. 

It's amazing she has made it this far. His eyes locked with hers, concern for her flashing in their depths. "I can't leave you like this!" he started but she quickly cut him off by placing her fingers on his lips "Brandon Don't! We haven't the time to argue over the facts, they are getting closer. You must go NOW, we have our Duty and no luxury of time..." she said while caressing the side of his face before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss upon his cheek. "Besides you know I am capable of taking care of myself, I might surprise you yet!" 

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