Chapter 1

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"Can anyone tell me the proper procedure for porting into the human realm?" Professor Hicks addressed his class. "Anyone?" He scanned the room looking for a raised hand when his eyes settled on flaming red locks. That's all he could see of the girl because her face was buried in her folded arms upon her desk and at that very moment she let out a very unladylike snore. She was sound asleep in his class!

"Jade!" the professor shouted, startling the girl awake with a jolt. In her groggy state, she jumped to her feet as if she were standing to attention, preparing to face her commanding officer. "Yes, Professor Hicks?" the girl was quick to reply he noticed and smiled. ​

The Professor stood and walked to the chalkboard behind him and reached for a piece of chalk before responding. "Perhaps, you can tell me the proper procedure?" he replied as he started to write on the chalkboard. The rest of the class stood still as if they were all holding their breath while awaiting her answer. ​

The proper procedure? Jade thought to herself. What could he be talking about? Think Jade, Think! She was starting to panic. "The proper procedure is ... um." She could feel the sweat starting to bead on her forehead. There's no help for it, just face the music old girl she thought to herself. "I'm afraid I don't know the answer, sir."

Professor Hicks hand stilled on the chalkboard and he quickly turned to face her, his eyes peering at her over the frame of his glasses. "You don't know the proper procedure to porting into the Human Realm? Have you never been to Earth then? Or is it that you have not been listening, that you were in fact sleeping in my class Miss Riley and have no clue what today's lesson is about?!" ​

Jade stood there frozen. Oh man, why do I always get myself into situations like this? I knew I should not have stayed up all night practicing that invisibility spell. Jade was well aware of Professor Hicks's reputation for being a real stickler about sleeping in his class and he was known to be quick to deal a harsh punishment to anyone caught snoozing on his time. ​

She knew she had better think fast or she would spend the next week babysitting baby unicorns and mucking out their stalls after class or worse, restocking the school's supply room.

Yuck! She did not want to get stuck bottling frog's breath or collecting beetlebark or hunting down enchanted newts and plucking out their eyes, even if they do grow back, it's still rather rude and not to mention unpleasant! 

​She loved being a witch, but sometimes the ingredients to some spells were just downright disgusting! She started to chew on her bottom lip, a habit that drove her grandmother crazy when all of a sudden lightning struck and she decided to give it a shot. ​ 

"I'm sorry Professor Hicks; I am ashamed to say that I was sleeping in your class. But in my defense, yesterday's lesson on the history of the conversion of brooms was so intriguing I was up most of the night reading Madam Donnavills Guide on Broom Conversion as you suggested. I'm truly sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." She managed to say all of this while looking completely sincere; she even lowered her head to look at the floor. This isn't going to work, she thought to herself; bring on the frog's breath. She couldn't help but cringe. ​

The Professor couldn't help but commend the girl for her quick-wittedness. But unfortunately for her, he was not one to be easily buttered up. ​"I'm delighted to know that you were so moved by yesterday's lesson Miss Riley, and I know you're only weeks away from graduation but that is no excuse for missing out on the valuable knowledge you would gain from today's lesson. Perhaps in the future you will make better use of your evenings and gain the rest you will need. They will not tolerate this kind of behavior at the Academy, Miss Riley; I can assure you of that." He paused and let out a long sigh before continuing 

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