Chapter 5

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"Jade my dear, how are you feeling?" Gram questioned as she rushed to her side, placing a hand lovingly on her cheek. Jade couldn't help but notice her Gram's troubled expression. She looks like she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Jade thought to herself and she wanted nothing more than to ease her Grandmothers burdens, but she desperately needed answers of her own. She needs to know what is going on and why she can't help feeling that the world just dropped out from under her feet.

"Gram, I'm ok, I'm just confused. What happened? Why are we here? Why don't I remember the trip?" she rushes out quickly, her panic once again starting to build. Her grandmother takes her firmly by the hand and takes a deep breath before saying the words that would change her life forever, "Jade there is so much I need to tell you, I only hope that when I am done explaining you will understand that everything I've done has been to protect you. It's time you know the truth. Jade, honey I love you with all my heart but it's time you know I'm not truly your Grandmother."

Jade could feel her heart squeezing painfully in her chest as her Grandmother's words slowly sink in. She starts to truly panic, her heartbeat is now rapidly pounding in her ears, and she feels like all the air was sucked out of the room. It is too much for her to take in. She can't breathe!

In a second Alec is at her side. Brushing her Grandmother aside. He takes her hand in his own and squeezes. "Jade, look at me" he whispers. "No matter what is happening right now, know that you are going to get through this. You are a fighter; this will not break you. I will be here to help you face this, together we'll figure this all out. For right now I need you to focus on breathing in and out."

Jade looks at Alec and sees the sincerity of his words reflected in his steel-blue eyes. He truly means what he says. She focuses on doing what he asks and takes a deep breath in and slowly lets it out. After a moment she gives him a nod, letting him know that she is now collected, and turns back to her Grandmother.

"What are you talking about? How can that be true? I don't understand!" Jade says her heartbreaking. She looks at her Grandmother, no NOT her grandmother! She has been reduced to nothing more than a stranger now. Jade's whole life has been a lie. She has lied to me about everything. Jade looks around the room and her eyes settle on Blake and by the expression on his face, she can see the truth in his eyes. He knew, somehow he knew and he said nothing. The feeling of betrayal is overwhelming. She can't look at him right now. So she turns away once again meeting Alec's concerned gaze. He's a stranger, but right now he feels like the only one she can trust at the moment, and his presence once again helps to make her feel a little more grounded.

When Gram speaks again her voice is barely louder than a whisper "Your true mother's name was Matilda, I was her nursemaid. She was the eldest daughter of the King and Queen of Adearia. Your father was King Royce Ravenshaw, ruler of the Northern Kingdom and guardian of Hallowstone. You are Princess Drakaina Ravenshaw and you are the rightful heir to the throne and the true guardian of Hallowstone."

The implications of what Gram is telling her completely rips out her heart and leave her feeling gutted. She's heard all the stories of the terrible tragedy at Hallowstone hundreds of times and she never would have imagined that those heart-wrenchingly sad and gruesome accounts were about her parent's murders! The pain is overwhelming!

"Why? How could you have kept this from me!?" she asks shooting her Grandmother an accusing look. "Jade, I was protecting you. You don't understand." Her Grandmother starts to explain but is quickly cut off by Jade. "Don't! That's not even my name, is it! You've taken everything from me with your lies, including my name. I'll never forgive you!" she hisses.

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