Chapter 19

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Her headache forgotten for the moment, Jade told herself she must subdue her raising panic at being left alone with Tobias. Her life very well may depend on it. She needed to focus. "What do you know about the Moonstone?" Jade thought about telling him the truth; That she'd never even heard of it until today, but that was not going to help her situation at all. So, she thought harder, and replied, "I have nothing to say to you about the moonstone." She only hoped he wouldn't realize she was bluffing.

Jade could see that Tobias was studying her and it was beginning to make her extremely uncomfortable. She scooted to the end of the bed slowly, and stood and lifted her chin to meet his penetrating stare. As he gazed at her, she fought hard to not look away, because she knew she couldn't show him that she was afraid.

The way he was looking at her right now wasn't helping. He looked thoughtful, but more freighting he looked hungry. "That's interesting," he said with the tip of one of his fingers tapping his chin, while he contemplated Jade with a cool stare. He moved a little closer, and his face, searching Jades, hardened and changed; his eyes narrowed, his mouth pinched.

"There's something about you that infuriates me. Perhaps it's because you're so irritatingly young and innocent: or perhaps it's your annoying habit to undermine all of my carefully laid out plans. The girl that was sentenced to be executed escaped during the attack at Chryseos, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would you Jade?" Deciding it was best not to incriminate herself she ignored his question and raised her chin defiantly, determined that he wouldn't be getting any answers from her today.

Jade never saw the blow coming. One minute he was coolly assessing her and then suddenly without warning he struck her in the face as hard as he could. He hit her with such force that her cheek split open where his fist made contact. The pain was so intense that she almost blacked out, but she managed to stand her ground and simply refused to collapse. Instead, she balled her hand into a fist and hit him back, but her lack of experience made her blow ineffective. He had the gall to smile at her before his fist broke her ribs. Still, she refused to fall. "I'm impressed Jade, I had no idea you would have this much stamina." He taunted her and then the scent of her blood reached him and she watched in horror as his fangs slowly elongated mincingly.

He inhaled deeply, drawing the scent of her into his senses, and froze. "What a delicious scent you have." He took another deep breath. "Ambrosia." He said and suddenly he was looking at her in a new light and Jade stumbled backward in an attempt to put some distance between them, but she wasn't fast enough. His hands shot out and gripped her forearms, and he pulled her to him and she could see that he now looked crazed, almost like the scent of her blood had intoxicated him somehow. Then she felt an exploding pain as he brutally sank his fangs into the soft skin of her neck. She tried not to panic as she realized he was sucking out her lifeblood. But he drank from her greedily oblivious or uncaring that he was going to kill her if he didn't stop soon. Jade knew he was beyond caring. She had to do something and fast. During the trip here Dominic had bound her magic somehow but she had to break through somehow if she was going to live to see the next hour. She focused on pulling energy to her. It was more difficult in her now weakened state, but much to her relief she was able to break thru Dominic's binding spell somehow and she was starting to feel the energy collecting inside her, she only hoped it would be enough.

Her entire body went rigid seconds before a blast of pure light exploded from her body, hitting him full force and flinging him across the room. He hit the wall with a bone-jarring thud and bellowed out in agony as the light still shooting from Jade scorched his flesh like molten lava. While he was still rolling on the floor writhing in pain she made a run for the door to make her escape.

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