Chapter 15

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The young guard was in his line of fire. He wanted to kill the boy first, but he wouldn't give in to the impulse because then the princess would have time to run, and she was his real target. She had to die in order for his plan to work. If Zander was the one to kill her and deliver her to Noctis then he would be richly rewarded for his efforts. Noctis would probably promote him to head of his guard and that maggot Dominic would finally be executed. He couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought. He had hated Dominic with a passion ever since he'd had him flogged for beating that kitchen wench who had spilled the porridge on his uniform. He would make Dominic pay dearly for crossing him.

Zander shifted his position on his stomach, determined to wait until they were both in his sights. From his perch on the wall, he had a nice clear view of the meadow below, and with his crossbow, he wouldn't miss. Patience, he told himself as he felt a surge of excitement rushing through him. The guard first, then the princess. Anticipation made him eager. There was nothing better than the thrill he felt before a kill. They were taking their time, strolling along, foolishly ignorant and blissfully unaware that they were both going to die. Zander couldn't help but giggle like a boy while he waited for his moment to strike.

Jade was busy arguing with Blake about her decision to rescue Ivy. It had been necessary to confide in him in order for her plan to work, but Blake was determined to be a thorn in her side. He had done nothing but argue that it was too risky and would never work. Jade was beyond frustrated with him at this point but she needed his help. She took hold of his hand and was about to plead with him when he quickly yanked it away from her as if her touch burned his skin. At first, she was too stunned to respond but then her eyes quickly filled with tears. She was so stung by his rejection. He had been her best friend in the whole world and now he was a cold stranger and it completely broke her.

"Jade, I'm sorry." he sounded as though he were talking to a stranger, for all the emotion in his voice, but the pain was there in his eyes, and it was devastating. She wanted to understand him so they could go back to the way things were between them before. She didn't want him to see how shaken she was, so she turned to look away. She didn't speak again for several minutes, and then she asked, "Why are things so difficult between us now Blake? Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you, Jade. I could never hate you," he said adamantly and she could see the truth in his eyes. "Then why all the hostility towards me?" she asked. "Look, it's really simple." "It is?" she asked quietly. "Yes," he growled. "You have always been my best friend, but lately ... I've..." She waited for him to continue, then gave in and prodded him. "You what?" "I have feelings for you that are more than friendly. Now, do you get it?" She was so stunned she couldn't move...

Alec had just turned the corner and was striding towards the main door when he spotted them. Jade and Blake appeared to be in the middle of a heated discussion and he couldn't stop the momentary flash of jealousy he felt whenever he saw the two of them together. Alec knew deep down he had nothing to worry about. Jade was loyal and true. She would never dishonor him. He also understood that she had deep feelings for the boy, they had grown up together for goodness sake. But he would be a liar if he said the fact didn't vex him a little. The fact was that he was jealous of all the time Blake had spent with her over the years.

Zander edged up to his knees, swung his crossbow into position, and fired. The guard dropped. The princess screamed. Blake was face down in the dirt, an arrow in his back. Jade fell to her knees and struggled to turn Blake over so that she could help him. There was blood everywhere. "Blake," she whimpered. "No ... no ...Don't you dare die on me now..." She reached for her wand and had just pulled it out when another arrow spits the dirt up next to her side. She screamed again, dropped her wand, and then quickly grabbed ahold of it once again. "Get down," Alec roared to her as he raced forward. Arrows were coming from the wall above, but he couldn't see the shooter's exact position. He kept shouting at Jade to run for cover, to duck, but she wouldn't leave her friend.

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