Sneak Peek at Spellbound

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The wind hollowed all around them, the air positivity buzzing with the electric charge of magic. Dylan lifted his head and smelled the air and blinked in surprise when he recognized the familiar scent of someone he had thought to be long dead. It could be a trap. He weighed the odds, then said quietly, "Spread out; hide in the trees; Find out who is coming."

His men stealthily moved into position with their swords drawn. The dark forest was silent except for the sound of the nearby river and the occasional noises from the creatures who inhabited it.

The tall warrior peered between the thick trees and looked up ahead. It would normally be too dark for him to see, but he had used a night vision spell that made the pale moonlight appear as bright as daylight. He remained quiet, his hand resting on the emerald sword resting at his side.

Just then another gust of wind blew through the forest. The familiar scent was stronger this time. "Get ready, they are coming this way" he whispered, his whole body vibrating with anticipation. A vampire with a powerful-looking sword slung on his back came into view first. Followed by the oddest-looking man Dylan had ever laid eyes on. He had a full head of shockingly blue hair and piercing red eyes and he carried a wand in his right hand and a small dagger on his belt.

Next after the first two a plump elderly woman, and a raven-haired lady, who surveyed her surroundings with poise came into view. Suddenly a bolt flashed from the raven-haired woman's palm, illuminating the trees with light and exposing their position.

Everything happened so fast Dylan hardly had time to react before the large vampire came barreling into him, knocking him to the ground. He was just about to bash his attacker on the head with the hilt of his sword when the old woman shouted for everyone to halt. He would have easily ignored her if she hadn't addressed them in their native Adearian tongue.

"Who are you and what brings you to Adearia?" He questioned as he pushed the large vampire away from him. Relieved that the vampire no longer seemed interested in attacking him, now that he no longer viewed them as a threat. "I am Abigail Riley; I am a servant of the House of Adearia. I have just returned home and am on my way to the castle with the King and Queen's granddaughter. We also have in our charge Princess Skylar who was badly injured and in need of a healer." She explained to the shocked Knight.

"The Princess lives? Show her to me at once," he demanded, his now frantic gaze scanning their group for a sight of their long-lost princess. Abigail made a sweeping motion with her hand and the others stepped aside allowing Brandon to step into their view with an unconscious Skylar in his arms. Upon recognizing her face the Adearian warrior reached for what appeared to be a small conch shell that he wore on a necklace. As Jade watched she noticed that it suddenly emitted a blue light as he spoke into it. "We need an emergency craft right away." He then turned to Jade and went down on his knee, placed his fisted right hand over his heart, and bowed his head. His men did the same behind him.

"Princess Jade, my name is Dylan Dunmore; I am the captain of your Grandfather's Guard. We welcome you to Adearia, and are honor-bound to escort you to the castle." Jade didn't know how to respond, and she felt more than a little uncomfortable with them kneeling to her. "Please stand, all of you. We'd very much appreciate your escort, thank you." That was all she said.

Suddenly the branches on the trees above them seemed to sway as a strong downward gust of wind could be felt coming over them as a small craft piloted by two Adearian soldiers came into view. It was like nothing Jade had ever seen before.

"We will send Princess Skylar and her custos on ahead in the emergency craft so that she can get to a Healer right away. We will lead the rest of you to the palace." Dylan explained before they saw Skylar off and continued on to her grandparent's kingdom.

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