Chapter 3

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It was late in the evening; the sun had long disappeared behind the mountains. The warrior sat alone atop his horse, looking out at the land beyond the keep's wall. He had just returned from patrolling the area and he was contemplating the war he knew was to come if he didn't put a stop to his Father and the Council soon. He knew what needed to be done to ensure the survival of his people. He could only hope that in the end, the judgment would not be too heavy upon him. Regardless he would do what needed to be done. He had no love for war. But he was prepared to fight.

His chestnut hair was kept short, a few days' worths of stubble marred his otherwise distinguished appearance. His dark features seemed shadowed by the thoughts troubling him. He had wide sculptured shoulders and a solid frame. He was definitely a striking figure and more than a few women had set their caps for him over the years. But none had ever captured his attention. Besides Alec had more important things to worry oven than catering to the whims of anyone else. Especially when he would never know for certain if the woman he eventually chooses to settle down with will want him solely for himself or the status being with him would grant her. He was the next in line to Rule and the weight of that responsibility rested heavily upon his shoulders. He had learned early on what putting his trust in the wrong woman got him, and he wasn't eager to repeat the experience any time soon.

He was about to make his way into the keep thru the hidden entrance at the north side of the keep only known to the royal family and a select few trusted servants when a sudden flurry of movement in the meadow below caught his eye. He was instantly on alert. Someone was approaching the front gates. He watched as three cloaked figures sitting in a wagon pulled by a pair of very worn-looking horses made their way. One of the cloaked figures seemed to be watching over the cargo in the back of the wagon. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He knew something important was about to happen, he could feel it in his gut. Who were the cloaked figures below and what exactly had they brought to his doors? He supposed there was only one way to find out. On that thought, he headed into the keep now prepared to go greet their uninvited guests himself and get to the bottom of this.

Whatever Alec had been expecting to find at the front gates it definitely wasn't the road-weary trio before him. A small woman with a slightly rounded build jumped down from the wagon and approached him first. Her wispy white hair was poking out from beneath her cloak in all directions, her face was flushed and she appeared to be out of breath. She looked like a strong wind would carry her away without a moment's notice. Surely she wasn't their spokesperson! He quickly looked to her companions and saw she was with an older man of average height who sat holding the reigns, his salt, and peppered hair covered a hard, anguished-looking face and his brown eyes were alert and watchful. When he made no move to move from his position on the wagon Alec turned to look at the last of the three and met the hard stare of a young man who looked like he was ready for a fight. But he said nothing, just continued to glare, so Alec turned his attention back to the old woman approaching him.

"Hello young man, my name is Abigail Riley, behind me sits Isaac Sutherland and his son Blake; we've come a long way to collect on a blood debt owed to my young charge by the prince Alec McFadden. Please take us to him at once!" For the very first time he could recall in his life Alec was speechless. She was here to collect a blood debt from him? What kind of game was she playing? He had never even set eyes on the boy and he definitely never promised him a blood debt.

"I'm afraid you must be mistaken madam; For I am Alec McFadden and I can assure you I've never so much as set eyes on your young friend here, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I owe him absolutely nothing." The woman seemed to be surprised at his announcement but she seemed to recover quickly. He could see her square her shoulders before she took a step closer and extended her arm to him. He could see she had something gripped in her palm. She shoved it at him without saying a word. He took it from her and turned it over in his hand to see it better. When he did the realization of what he was holding sent a hard blow to his senses and a chill down his spine. He quickly turned to the guards and shouted for them to open the gates at once!

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