12: because of the drugs

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"Those people held a gun to your head," he said gritting his teeth and edging closer to my body.

"Well...uh he's just.." I trailed off not being able to find the right words.

I hated John B for what he did to me, but I wouldn't simply ride off everyone who lived on the Cut because of one guy. JJ and Pope had been good friends to me and stuck with me through everything.

"Exactly my point" Rafe snapped. "They've only ever hurt you Willow, I didn't realise how naive you are" he scoffed as I crossed my arms growing tired of this conversation.

Why does he care?

"Geez I'm sorry I don't just judge people based on where they live," I said sarcastically, "You sound like an entitled prick for your information," I said very matter-of-factly.

"I don't understand your sudden interest in my life" I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm not interested," he said stubbornly scratching the back of his head. The only light flooding into the closet from the lamp in the bedroom but I watched his every move with curiosity. I wanted answers, why does he care who I hang around with?

"Glad we have that sorted" I snorted.

"Glad," he said with a sarcastic smile.

"It still feels weird having a conversation with you," I said honestly looking him in the eye, he looked a bit taken back as we shared eye contact and he listened to my honesty. 

"It feels weird having you back" he moved his gaze to his feet unable to look at me.

I let out a slight laugh "Thanks dickhead".

"No I-I didn't mean it like that" he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "I thought you may never come back" he shrugged his shoulders but moved his head up to look at me.

I smiled at his transparency, this was the first civil conversation we'd had in 13 months.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," I said with a grin.

"Apparently not," he said with a straight face

"You're not funny Cameron" I deadpanned but watch his face break out into a tiny smirk that almost wasn't noticeable. But I noticed. The air was awkward for a second as our conversation stilled. But he soon broke the awkward tension. 

"We were good together Lola" he suddenly said looking at me seriously "Don't you think," he said quietly.

I almost winced at the nickname, no one to this day ever called me that, only Rafe.

I cleared my throat not wanting to think about last summer "Well you fucked that Rafe. There's no one else to blame except yourself"

"But um...I thought we were" I said quietly looking at the floor not wanting to see his reaction.

I looked up hearing Rafe move from beside me "What are-" I tried to question but straight away he cut me off.

"I need to get out of this fucking closet" he muttered opening the doors open and stepping out. 

I walked behind his body as we crept downstairs, I made sure to stay dead silent not knowing who was in the house.

Rafe grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him as we ducked behind the couch, I glanced up to see two adults in the kitchen talking angrily. I assumed it was their parents of the host, and judging by their looks they were incredibly pissed off. 

I could tell Rafe was calculating a way to exit the house without causing a scene but I had a different idea.

He turned his head to me as I grabbed his hand, "Run" I whispered moving towards his body before shooting up from my position with Rafe following. 

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