37: tell me you feel it too

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*warning: sexual themes ahead*

I smiled in triumph as Rafe and I walked side by side towards the elevator. Rafe hadn't said a word since we'd walked away from the hotel receptionist and I was spending my time thinking about how I was going to behave around the boy beside me for the night.

A whole hotel room to ourselves automatically meant trouble considering how quickly we could turn each other on.

I sighed reaching my hand out to the elevator buttons as Rafe stood silently leaning against the wall crossing his hands over his chest with a stoic look.

I heard the ding of the lift and I followed him inside. He swiftly swiped the hotel key pressing the button to our floor as he kept the stoic look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked leaning against the wall opposite him and rubbing my arms for warmth. Rafe rolled his eyes in response making me frustrated, "Quit rolling your eyes and use your fucking words, Rafe, you aren't three years old" I sneered being fed up with his attitude.

His eyes snapped over to me as he took demanding steps forwards towards me whilst narrowing his eyes, "What did you just say to me" he growled.

"Would you calm down, why are you so pissed?" I asked genuinely confused simply because he was fine not too long ago but now he was seeingly mad beyond words.

"You wanna know why I'm pissed" He laughed lowly moving even closer to me as I stayed against the wall. The elevator was dinging with each floor we reached and thankfully we were the only two occupying the small space and our room seemed to be high up in the building.

"Yeah I clearly do," I said fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"You were flirting with that fucking dipshit" He growled as it all made sudden sense to me.

"Are you seriously fucking jealous" I huffed, "Firstly I wasn't flirting and if you weren't aware I kinda got us this hotel room, if anything you should be thanking me asshole"

"Thank you for flirting with some loser?" he scoffed taking a step back from me with his knuckles turning white as his hands were balled in fists. Like most of my arguments with Rafe, I quickly grew annoyed at the situation and his unreasonable jealously. I did what I needed to do to get the room and couldn't see why he was angry. I wanted to scream at him and remind him how we aren't even together but I knew that would set him off so I bit my tongue and swallowed my pride.

"You think I wanted to flirt with him when you were standing right beside me, it makes no sense Rafe. I only did what I had to do" I raised my voice trying to talk some sense into him as he was moving towards me.

"So, you wanna flirt with me?"

"That's all you care about" I deadpanned with a pissed-off look.

"Yeah pretty much" he shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look.

"God you're fucking annoying" I groaned as the elevator finally dinged and I looked up seeing it was in fact our floor, I walked out of the confined space without a second look. Rafe was just that person that managed to piss me off like no one else could.

I kept walking down the hall hearing his footsteps behind me, I was about to reach our room when he swiftly moved in front of my body stopping me in my place and placing his hands on my waist turning me around and backing me into the wall behind me.

"What are you doing Rafe" I huffed in annoyance as he stood in front of me with my head trapped between his outstretched arms.

"Are you ever gonna admit your feelings for me?" he said lowly taking me by surprise, I didn't expect him to ever say those words. Whatever was happening between us was more of an unspoken thing, or at least I thought it was.

Even though we never said it to each other, we knew.

But now I wasn't even sure how to answer his question, we'd never really spoken about feelings.

"How can I admit something that's not true" I mumbled crossing my arms over my chest and looking at him with an annoyed look. 

All he did was chuckle lowly in response, I swallowed nervously as he leaned forward closer to my head. 

I held my breath feeling his presence so close to my proximity, I'd forgotten completely what we were even talking about. Instead, I felt butterflies involuntary erupt into my stomach when he edged even closer to the point where our lips were about to touch. I fluttered my eyes closed waiting to feel his lips on mine except I sensed his body move away.

I ripped my eyes open as he took a step back away from me, a confused look immediately took over my features, "You sure about that?" Rafe taunted as my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.

"Seriously" I groaned running my hands through my hair frustrated.

"Seriously" he nodded, "You know I have fucking feelings for you, is it so hard for you to admit it as well"

That took me by surprise more than ever, "You what?" I said blinking in surprise "You have feelings for me" I said pointing at him and then at me almost in disbelief at him actually voicing his emotions.

"You fucking know it Lola," he said slowly stepping towards me. "Tell me. Tell me you feel it too" he whispered taking hold of my waist and staring into my eyes.

My chest was rising and falling rapidly at his closeness to my body, "Of course, I feel it" I sighed. Hearing my answer something in his demeanor changed, his eyes darken as he slowly raked his gaze over my body.


"Yes Rafe" I nodded biting down on my lip as he stared at me in a way I can only describe as lust.

Rafe's fingers moved underneath my shirt and I shivered at his cold touch, he snaked his hands around my waist closing the space between our bodies. He leaned in slightly and I got the hint leaning in to connect my lips to mine. The kiss was soft but igniting. We were craving each other's touch as the kiss grew hot and heavy within a seconds.

I had come to the conclusion a long time ago that Rafe's lips were made perfectly for my own.

I found my hands scratching at the base of his head into his hair as I felt his fingers run up my stomach under my shirt and trace over my lace bra making me even more aroused.

Rafe buried his face into the crook of my neck leaving wet sloppy kisses over it. I sighed at the pleasure of his fingers all over my body, It was taking a lot of self-control not to let any moans escape, but soon enough the pleasure was going to be too much to take without moaning his name.

Rafe reconnected our lips and ran one of his hands all the way down my stomach to slide into the material of my panties, "Does this get you wet" he whispered once breaking apart our lips. I gave him a nod but that wasn't satisfactory for him.

"Willow," he said lowly moving his hand further down into my underwear, "Tell me"

Feeling his fingers rub my clit I couldn't take it anymore, "I want you" I moaned quietly.

"Want me to do what?" Rafe smirked looking at me wanting to hear the words out loud, "I want you to fuck me" I breathed out.

"I'll take you against this fucking wall if I have to "

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