32: the most tears

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Before I entered the room I slid down the wall as a single tear ran down my cheeks. I hoped I hadn't just lost my best friend for good but I needed space for myself after hearing her hurtful words being thrown at me like a knife.

Collecting myself off the ground I stood up wiping my face, therefore, removing any evidence I was crying, and turned the door handle to walk into his bedroom. Seeing he wasn't in his room I sat on his bed hearing the water from the shower turn off. 

Within a few minutes, he opened the door to the bedroom with a towel hanging off his hips revealing his strong v-line and present six-pack. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his manly build and that seemed to delight him.

"Like what you see?" Rafe teased walking closer to me as droplets of water were dripping down his wet skin.

I closed the space between us trailing my eyes up his torso to meet his eyes, "I'd like you much better without the towel" I whispered as his eyes widened in surprise.

This could be a great distraction from my impending mental breakdown that was brewing. Looking at Rafe I was trying my hardest to keep my emotions at bay.

I bought my lips to his as he grabbed my waist and my hands explored his exposed torso before trailing up to his shoulders. I looped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

He only broke our lips apart to kiss my neck, he used one hand to cup my jaw as his fingers brushed over a spot on my neck that I could feel was a love bite.

"Thank you for last night" I voiced moving my head to the crock of his shoulder hugging him, it took him a few seconds to react and wrap his arms tightly around me. 

I wondered when was the last time someone actually hugged him.

"You're a really good friend" I mumbled against his skin.

"We're not friends" He groaned grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away from his body, I felt my heart stop. I couldn't bear to lose another friend, I actually wouldn't know what I'd do with myself.

"You're not my friend," Rafe said lowly keeping his hands on my shoulders, "You've always been more than my friend Lola," he said quickly seeing my panicked expression.

I was at a loss for words, I opened my mouth just to close it again not quite knowing how to respond. 

"Can you drive me home?" I asked staring at my feet not even wanting to meet his eye contact, not wanting to see the look on his face. 

I watched him turn his back and hastily grab some clothes before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

I sighed sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the door he was right behind. 

Everything felt way too much, so much had happened in such a short span of time I was struggling to wrap my head around everything.

Rafe emerged from the bathroom now fully dressed in a blue polo shirt and blue jeans, much to my dismay.

I watched him walk to his bedside table and grab his keys and wallet, I did the same thing by collecting my dress, shoes, purse, and anything else I bought with me from Midsummers. I followed him out the door and then out of the house. 

He unlocked the car and before I could reach out for the handle he beat me to it. He opened the car door for me resulting in me muttering a thank you.

Rafe started up the car and drove out of his driveway onto the main roads of Figure Eight, I reached out to turn on the radio as music now filled the previously painfully silent vehicle. 

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