48: deserved worse

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"Miss Baldwin. Miss Baldwin" I heard someone trying to shake me awake. Slowly opening my eyes my surroundings weren't a shock to me anymore. I saw a nurse standing beside the bed with Topper standing next to her. 

"Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" she said with a smile.

"Uh a little groggy and my head is killing" I groaned shifting slightly in Rafe's arms as he stroked my hair. 

"These will help with the headache sweetie" she passed me a little cup of two red pills and another cup filled with water.

"Thank you I appreciate it" 

"Hold tight kid, you're emergency contact is on their way then you'll be free to leave when the doctor comes and speaks to you" 

This made my pulse quicken and my body threatened to break a sweat, Rafe took notice and intertwined his fingers with my own. "Thank you" Rafe answered the nurse for me with a charming smile. She left the room leaving only Topper, Rafe, and me which I was grateful for. 

Topper immediately rushed closer to the bed, "God Willow I'm so glad you're okay"

I believed I was far from okay but I appreciated both the boy's concerns.

"Thanks Top" I sighed leaning my head further into Rafe's body desperately seeking his warmth and comfort. 

"John B is even crazier than I thought, how could he do this to you? I mean what the fuck is his problem?!" Topper spilled raking his fingers through his hair.

"I-I don't remember much but he kept saying I was trying to take Sarah away from him" I mumbled.

"Of course it's about Sarah, everythings fucking always about her" Rafe muttered under his breath.

"Totally deserved you beating him to a pulp" Topper chuckled nodding his head at Rafe. My eyes widened as I looked at Rafe with a questioning look.

"You what?"

"I have no regrets" Rafe simply shrugged his shoulders, "Motherfucker deserved worse for what he did to you"

"What happened...I'm just trying to fill in blanks" I said looking at Rafe who avoided my gaze and locked his jaw. "Topper?" I looked at him with sad eyes. 

"Rafe he uh noticed you'd been gone for a couple of a bit and we couldn't find you anywhere. We searched around and then in the parking lot we saw John B place you in his van..." I stared at Rafe whilst listening to Topper's words.

Rafe couldn't even look at me instead he was looking down at our hands, "You passed out a couple of minutes later in the van whilst Rafe was dealing with John B", I knew dealing could be translated to beating him up. "Rafe took care of you whilst I drove us to the hospital"

I squeezed Rafe's hand feeling nothing but gratitude for him, "Thanks Topper for everything. It means more than you know" I smiled softly in his direction.

"Of course Willa" he smiled sweetly back "I'm gonna grab a coffee you guys want anything to eat or drink?"

"No thank you" I shook my head as he smiled one last time before turning his body around and walking out of the room softly closing the door behind him leaving me alone with Rafe.

"Rafe- I can't thank you enough...I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't find me..." I spoke softly as tears rimmed my eyes.

He looked up at me with an unreadable expression, "Don't thank me Willa" he said coldly "I failed to protect you, I told you no one would ever hurt you and I-I failed" he said staring off into the distance. I grabbed ahold of his jaw making him look at me.

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