46: dirty things

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I was drunk. Shocking. Truly shocking.

But I was having a good time dancing with Amy and talking to some other of my kook friends I use to party with last summer, all up I was having a fun time.

Whilst I was dancing I spotted my boyfriend talking and laughing with his buddies. As if he knew I was watching him he turned his head around and smiled in my direction.

He smiled and waved me over to where he was standing near the bonfire, the second I was in his proximity he wrapped me in his arms. I smiled smelling his expensive and sexy cologne, just the feeling of his body behind me holding me close was making my mind run wild.

Rafe leaned his head down in the crook of my neck, "Having fun?" he whispered sending a shiver down my spine. "Now I am" I giggled slipping out of his arms and before he had the chance to complain I turned around to face him. I leaned up on my tiptoes placing my lips on his cheek making him smile.

I looped my arm around his neck with the other tangled in his hair, "You know what would be more fun" I mused as his arms went right around my waist pulling me closer.

"What babe?"

I ran my fingers through his hair before sliding them around his neck and leaning my head closer to his ear, "If we ditched this party right now" I whispered moving my right hand down from his neck and trailing my fingers down his torso, "There are so many things I want to do to you" I whispered again before bringing my lips to his neck.

His hands tightened around me and lowered down to my ass making me gasp in surprise, "Don't start something you'll regret princess" he said with his voice sounding husky only making me more aroused.

"I'll never regret being with you Rafe," I said honestly before biting my bottom lip, the look in his eyes could only be described as pure lust, I knew at this moment he wanted me as badly as I wanted him.

"You mean it?"

"Of course I do" I firmly nodded before bringing his head closer to my own, he quickly caught my lips with his. This kiss was hungry, we were craving each other's touch and left no room between our bodies. He deepened the kiss quickly just as I pulled at the roots of his hair making him moan into the kiss.

He broke the kiss making me pout, "I would do fucking anything for you" he said softly keeping hold of my face and gently stroking my cheek. 

"Will you come dance with me?" 

"Anything but that" he chuckled shaking his head. 

"You're missing out then," I said before getting on my tiptoes and pecking his lips. I walked away from Rafe and once Amy saw me she pulled my arm dragging me closer to where she was talking to some strangers. 

I danced around with Amy and was genuinely enjoying myself. I felt Rafe's eyes on me the entire time as I moved my hips sensually in sync with the music. 

I was having a good time until I felt unfamiliar hands slowly crawl onto my hips, I knew this wasn't Rafe, his body didn't feel like this, and his touch didn't have a negative effect on my body. 

A scowl immediately rose to my face as I jumped from his grasp and slapped his arms away. "Don't touch me asshole" I yelled before turning my head to look at Rafe.

Rafe was livid, to say the least. 

He stormed in my direction forcefully pushing people out of his way, approaching me I quickly placed my hand on his arm in some attempt to calm him down. 

"Is there a reason your hands are on my girl or do you have a death wish?" he said through gritted teeth stepping towards the boy who put his hands on my body. 

The boy seemed so small as Rafe edged closer to him, "I-I....Um" 

"I will break every bone in your fucking body if you ever come near her again" Rafe threatened getting even closer to him. I stepped forward grabbing ahold of his bicep trying to pull him back to me but he shrugged me off. 

"Understand?" Rafe snarled but hearing no response this seemed to anger him more, "Do you understand?!" he yelled. 

"Yes" the boy squeaked out, he was practically shaking in fear but thankfully Rafe turned his body around to face me giving him a chance to run off. 

Rafe immediately rushed towards me grabbing ahold of my face, "Are you okay baby?" he asked gently as if he wasn't yelling a second ago, he was nothing short of soft and caring when he spoke to me and I was glad no anger was pointed towards me. 

"I'm okay I swear, thank you," I told him causing him to softly smile down at me.

Rafe coming in my defense was the sweetest thing he could have ever done. It's all I craved my entire life. People showing me and proving to me that they actually care about me, they care about my wellbeing, it's all I've wanted. 

"No one's ever gonna hurt you again". I smiled when he leaned in to kiss my forehead. 

I stayed in his arms as we joked around with our friends, he secretly loved me whispering dirty things into his ear. I blamed it on liquid courage but in all honesty, I wasn't that drunk I just wanted Rafe. 

Rafe protecting me made me want to pounce him at any given second and he knew it. I knew he loved being my protector as well. 

I let Amy pull me away towards the keg as she claimed we needed girl time and I didn't object, "That girl is so giving me the eyes don't you reckon" she pointed in the direction of a pretty girl.

"You should introduce yourself" I nodded filling up my cup with cheap beer. 

"Maybe I will" Amy raised her eyebrows staring in the girl's direction.

"If you don't go right now I'll make you" I laughed and lightly pushed her in that direction. Amy laughed and eventually started walking up to where the girl was standing alone looking around the crowd. I smiled watching Amy introduce herself and I took that as my cue to stop staring at them. 

I found myself near the water staring up at the stars. I sipped on my beer but soon grew bored so I walked up the sand towards the party. I missed being near Rafe and I didn't care if that made me clingy. I'd found a boy who made me happy and nothing was going to come between us. 

I was aware of my surroundings which most parties I'd attended in the past I hadn't been able to say the same. 

That's why I immediately knew the boy in front of me wanted nothing but trouble. 


"What do you want John B?" I scoffed crossing my arms. 

"I just want to talk okay," he said shrugging his shoulders but his innocent act didn't fool me.

"I have nothing to say to you" I shook my head moving past him ready to walk away, but he roughly pulled me back and I winced at his stronghold knowing it would leave a mark.

"You are trying to take Sarah away from me and don't even deny it!"

"Sarah's my best friend of course I want her to stay away from you, you're filling her head with lies!" I yelled right back causing him to tighten his grip. "Fucking let go asshole" 

John B rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pocket taking a step towards me, "You're just another spoiled little bitch who can't handle the fact that Sarah chose me" he said coming even closer to me, he latched onto my wrist that was holding my drink but he let go quickly. 

"She choose me!!" he roared making me slightly jump in surprise at his outburst. I bought the drink to my lips rolling my eyes, "You're going to regret ever messing with me"

"Are you serious? I'm not doing shit, you're fucking crazy" I yelled. 

"You deserve everything that's going to happen to you Willow" 

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