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Sometimes good people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they're bad. It simply means they're human.

I happen to be human. 

And impulsive.

Very impulsive.

I took a deep breath as I gripped the gun tighter and pressed it further into his temple. 

My body was running on adrenaline and I felt built up anger take over me. 

Rafe was at home packing up our belongings and I'd somehow convinced him I should go to the store alone. He was hesitant at first but had no reason to doubt my intentions. 

He didn't notice when I plucked a gun from the safe in his room. 

He didn't notice the look on my face after I kissed him goodbye and walked out of his house. 

He had no idea what I was about to do.

I knew this was my last straw. John B had bought enough pain into my life and I'd finally snapped. 

After hearing Rafe speak to Wheezie this morning I realized he can't keep getting away with everything.

He was god damn lucky I never took legal action when he drugged me. 

He was god damn lucky I never thought about doing this before today. 

I had managed to catch him off guard. If i turned my head to the left I could see the rest of the pogues waiting by the dock, probably ready to send him off and defend him for as long as they'd live on the Outerbanks. 

"Willow, don't do anything you'd regret" his voice was laced with venom as he spat my name out.

"I only regret not doing this earlier" I gritted my teeth, "You're the fucking reason an innocent woman is dead!" I cocked my head to the side narrowing my eyes at him.

"You might want to shift your blame towards your boyfriend for that one," John B said slightly amused, "He's the one to blame" he sang. 

"Don't fucking bring him into this...this is between you and me" I seethed. "You are the absolute worse kind of person" I rambled.

"You walk around with a fucking chip on your shoulder thinking you're this type of hero. Thinking you were rescuing Sarah from fucking nothing...acting as a protector for the rest of the pogues when in reality you're the one they need protecting from".

"You think you're-"

"Shut up!" I yelled cutting him off. "You've had a vendetta against me from the second we met for no god damn reason. I never did a thing to you except be nice and accommodating!"

I moved the gun down to his torso pressing it hard into his skin, "You're fucking insane" he exclaimed matching my intense stare.

"Maybe I am" I shrug my shoulders. "But at least I'm not filled and poisoned with hate like you"

"You think we're so different?" He laughed, "Look at you right now Willow. We're the same"

"We will never be the same John B" I clicked the safety off the gun and placed the side of the gun against his lower stomach. "I suggest you turn yourself in to the police" I said calmly. 

He stayed silent as I slowly racked the gun up his torso starting into his hatred-filled eyes.

"I don't want you to ever lay a hand on me or anyone ever again" I whispered as he was now breathing heavily.

I moved the muzzle of the gun painfully slowly up his neck and down his jaw as his adam's apple bobbed. "You will turn yourself in or leave. Leave without a word and never come back."

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