Chapter - 38

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Abhimanyu's POV

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Abhimanyu's POV

It's been a month since Shivani has confessed that she loves me too.....
My life is getting perfect after that💖!!

When I wake up the first thing I see is her scooped in my arms like a baby..... My Baby!!
Whenever she wakes up in that situation her blush on her cheeks is worth watching!!

Her hugs before we both leave for our works....
Her good night kisses though on cheeks like kid are something I can never miss😌.

Our Doraemon date nights with a ice-cream are mandatory once a week.

Though I always want to have a Romantic movie date night but how to forget she is still a baby and crazily obsessed with Doraemon....🤦🏻

Not that I complain, I can watch Doraemon too if she is with me and I get a kissie in return.....

Even though our love is finding it's way our friendship is still constant....
I still love to irritate her and even our family enjoy our banters even though Dad and Bhai team with her against me...
Huh imposters🌚!!!

Her smiling face just makes my day perfect and offcourse my heart skips a beat when she is close to me!!!

I do tease her when she hugs me but how to tell her that my insides are always fluttering at her mere touch....

How much I try to make her fall for me but whenever she smiles I am the one falling harder in love....❤️

Abhimanyu's POV ends

Their lives didn't took a turn infact it found a new path called 'Love'.

Their switching personalities from friends to lovers.....

The way he look at her, Shivani's angry and naughty side changes to a shy and blushing one....🤭

His urge to irritate her when his devil mind speak turns to a teenager lover boy when his heart overpowers his brain.....

Everyone needs someone who understands them without saying or expressing anything....
Maybe that's what called 'Soul Connection...💓'

During the month they might have not came closer rather than hugs or kissie but their soul have find their way to each other's heart.....

There is a kid inside every one you just need the right person to find it....✨

Their family was more than happy to see the old Abhi and now a chirpy Shivani too.

Ayaan would say at their silly fights,
"Mujhse chote babies toh aap dono ho.....🤭"

Shweta and Amar were overwhelmed to get a daughter in Shivani.

Shivani found a sister in Ruchi who loves her no less than a mother and saves her from Abhi's scoldings.

And Sameer was her new cooking partner....
They both spend hours in kitchen experimenting new dishes!!!

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