Introducing Our Main Characters

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Very much what the title says. Just little bits about these characters to give you some idea of who they are. And since this isn't exactly a modern au and more like a reincarnated au, their names change ever so slightly. Please don't come after me for that. Okay but seriously aaaa this is where it starts!!!

Enjoy! :)


There are some times when some people have such a strong inexplicable pull to each other that it might as well be fate.

Where maybe there's a reason why they met, and became so close.

Some don't believe in stuff like that.

But once they start seeing the's going to get harder and harder to ignore.

This is a story about a group of friends going to a high school rumored to be built on the grounds of the original building for the infamous newspaper The New York World. Where for some reason without an explanation, they are all drawn to each other.

Jack Kelley is going to start eleventh grade in September. He'll gladly have summer while it lasts. Summer is his escape from the world, where for at least a little, everything might just make sense.

He's only seventeen, but he likes claiming to have reached his mid-life crisis. After hearing too many times that he's too young to be going through a mid-life crisis, he's just settled on being a bi disaster has given me an identity crisis and made me a chaotic mess, which isn't wrong.

He has always wanted to go to Santa Fe, not knowing why. Why would he want to go to a random place in New Mexico that he has no connections to? But the pull of it is so strong. Every time he thinks Santa Fe his breathing hitches a little bit and he gets so excited, and he has absolutely no clue where it came from. Maybe some day he'll go, and finally find out why he has such a strong connection to this really random place.

The drama teacher, Medda, is one of his favorite teachers at the school. The English teacher, Mr. Denton, too. They are both adults that he trusts, and the ones who will listen to him. They're the teachers that make staying at this school worth it.

He has dreams of what he wants to do in the future, when he doesn't have to worry about school anymore. For now, he just has to worry about surviving eleven and twelth grade.

Tony Vitale is a theatre kid through and through.

He's a disaster queer.

ADHD is fun until it's not.

All his friends accept him and his trans identity. He loves being validated. But gender dysphoria can hit him hard. What's worse is that his parents won't let him buy a binder. So instead, he finds every binding and/or layering technique that he can. His friends help a little with easing his gender dysphoria, but they will never be able to make it all go away.

He is happy to be dating Sean, who is one of the few people to truly understand him. Neither of them are perfect, but they are perfect for each other.

He's always had a strong connection to his grandparents. Everything about them, everything about their house, it's just magical. And every time it's just him and them, it's like it's the three of them against the world. And he loves it. He's much closer to his grandparents than his parents. His grandparents never misgender him or deadname him, like his parents sometimes might. He's so glad he has them in his life.

Reincarnated ~ A Modern Newsies Au (Nowsies)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora