29 | Finally Beginning To Piece It All Together

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Oh look! Another chapter instead of a flashback chapter! Yeah, I think you all need some more time before the next one. 

Do I have a plan here? I have ... one singular Quote, and a Vague Plot-Moving Idea. So ... do I have a plan? That's up for interpretation.

I read somewhere that you're most creative at night and least creative in the day, so I turned all the lights off to simulate darkness so I can write better. So far, it's worked. I think...?

This will get a direction. I hope...

Enjoy! :)


Everyone is so happy that the Day of Silence went well. They're celebrating it in GSA on Monday. Everyone who participated is there.

And, since gays can't sit right, everyone is either sitting on the desks or sitting on the floor. Or there are the few who are in the chairs but are eating their lunch on their lap because their feet are propped up on the table. All are valid in their own ways.

And they're eating all the food Mr. Denton brought them.

"We're doing this next year, yeah?" David asks Mr. Denton.

"We do this every year," Tony answers his question.

"Yeah." Sean looks pointedly at Louis and Nick. "And if someone doesn't join in next year, it'll be sad without them."

"It's not MY fault we're leaving after this year!" Louis exclaims.

Nick buries his face in his hands. "Don't remind meeeee," he groans. He especially hates the idea of leaving. He likes being one of the oldest friends in their friend group, looking out for all the younger friends.

"Sean, look at what you did to them," Jack scolds him. "You know they'd participate next year if they could. And you know they don't like us talking about how they aren't going to be in school with us next year."

Sean rolls his eyes. "Sorry Jack."

"Yeah you should be," Jack continues on with his fake scolding-parent tone.

"But we also know that you don't want us talking about them leaving because it indicates that you will be the oldest grade in the school, and that your days of high school will be numbered next year, and you'll have to go out into the world yourself too," Sean counters, glint in his eye.

That was a good one.

Jack felt that one.

And he can't exactly say that it's false. Because it is true that Jack feels a little bit of panic every time he thinks about what being a senior will mean next year, how it means that this is last summer of true escapism, how even though he hates school with a passion he hates the idea of having to be an actual adult in the real world even more.

And because he has no counter argument to what Sean said, Jack just sighs.

Sean smirks, knowing he won.

Jack glares daggers at him. This isn't over, you mere sophomore.

Lunch goes on, everyone talking happily. All the pride flags are hanging around the room. 

A nice addition to the classroom, everyone declares.


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