22 | The Races

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The 22nd chapter: the first chapter of 2022. And it's based on the 22nd of January.

So I'm back now.

I was on vacation for a little over a week and only told one person here so my bad haha.

So I'm here now posting two new chapters! :)

And guess what: the events in this chapter is something that I've actually done, so I DO know what I'm talking about haha.

If I can remember much about it...2019 was so long ago...


Enjoy! :)


Tony is so excited.

Today is the day he and Nonno go to the horse races.

To watch the same horse races that they see on TV all the time.

But in person.

He's been grinning from ear to ear since he walked out of his room to have breakfast this morning; Nonno and Nonna greeting him with big smiles when he sees them for the first time today.

There are perks to staying at his grandparents' house for the night.

At least once a minute while eating breakfast Tony asks Nonno when they're going to leave the house.

Until finally, the pair gets in the car and goes.

It's even more breathtaking in person.

Getting inside the stadium is vivid and a blur all at once as Tony is taking in all of his surroundings with all his senses at once. Sometimes that can be overwhelming; not right now.

And he knows that he's not the only one excited. He sees the excitement shine in Nonno's eyes and show in his attitude. Because he was the one who started watching the races before Tony was born.

Tony has never done this before. He knows that Nonno has; so he is sticking especially close to him today; and mirroring his every move. Because Nonno is so relaxed here. He's done this before. And Tony is in awe of that.

Tony doesn't always bounce up and down in excitement anymore like he used to when he was a little kid; but right here and now he has a little extra skip in his step.

Today is going to be a good day.

Tony's jaw drops when he walks by a TV showing exactly everything that he's seen on TV at home as they go find their seats.

It's like being back in his grandparents' house. But he's experiencing it live along with the cameras videotaping everything to put on TV.

This is wild. This is so wild.

"You excited yet?" Nonno jokes once they find seats.

"YES!" Tony shouts.

Nonno chuckles. "I thought that was going to be the answer."

That's when he pulls out a paper and starts looking over it.

When did he get that? Tony doesn't know. But whatever it is, it must be important.

Tony looks over Nonno's shoulder. "What's that?"

Nonno adjusts it so Tony can see it better. "This is the program for the first race," Nonno starts to explain. "This is the horse number and the number color, the horse's name, the owner and rider and trainer, and other things that you don't necessarily need to worry about." He points to each part with a pencil as he explains what it is. He's already left a star next to two of the horses: Number 3, Blue, Eagle Ease; and Number 8, Pink, Miso Fast.

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