6 | School

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Ah, yes. That dreaded thing called school.

I'm excited to see where this goes. I'm just going with wherever it takes me.

Enjoy! :)


Louis and Nick arrive first, parking in the student parking lot before getting out of the car and heading towards the building. Nick is ready for one last school year. Louis is just curious to know how his last first day of school will play out. They're ready.

Tony won't get his license until his birthday in two months, and Sean hasn't had his license long enough to be able to drive Tony to school, and since his parents are both busy, he has to take the bus. Luckily Charlie's with him. That makes riding the bus all that more bearable.

Charlie's glad for Tony being there. This means that he won't be entering the building alone. He's still a little unnerved, but having Tony there is really giving him a confidence boost.

Sean parks his car right next to Nick's. Having just gotten his license a month ago, this is his first time parking here, and it makes him feel more grown up. He beat the bus by just little; now he and Tony can walk into the building together. At least the bus will help Tony be on time.

Let's just get this over with, Jack thinks to himself as he gets out of his car. Surely it can't be that much worse than what we already have. But why should they only take what they're given? Wait. Where did that come from? School's messing with his head already.

Kathryn gets to school just a little bit early. Maybe they can surprise Sarah. She really hopes so. She hopes that Sarah still wants to talk to her. She should, we've been talking all summer, she thinks to herself. The thing is they don't know if Sarah's an early person, on time person, or late person. Kathryn can be patient.

"You ready?" Sarah asks David.

"Let's just get this over with," David grumbles.

Together, they walk through the door.

And walk right onto the edge of a sea of students.

"Remember where everything is from the tour?" she asks.

No. David does not remember. He's been in this building once. And he was not paying attention on the tour.

Sarah sighs. "I thought so." Then she starts walking in another direction. "Come on. Our lockers are this way." Last night, they took time to memorize everything about both their schedules, including locker numbers (and combos). It's handy having it printed it out too. David knows he's going to get lost.

"Why are the lockers so far from...everything?" David complains. "Like, besides a couple classrooms, everything else is far away."

Sarah shrugs. "At least this school wasn't designed by people who design prisons."

"There is that."

Their middle school was one of those old schools that did look like a prison, and it only got worse once everyone found out that it actually was designed by people who design prisons.

Not this school.

"People who design schools still make everything complicated," David grumbles.

After he gets everything he needs and closes his locker, he looks at his printed out schedule. "Okay,  English is my first class. We should be heading in the same direction, at least for a little bit-" That's when he looks up, he realizes Sarah isn't standing next to him.

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