4 | Missing Something

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I really don't like not knowing if the rally at Irving Hall was the 24th or the 25th. I have found multiple sources confirming both dates and I don't know which one it actually was. The thing about reporters back then was that they didn't necessarily care for fact checking details, and that is going to be my downfall writing this story, where accuracy is key. I'll just have to survive this.

Let's pretend I know what I'm doing, and then maybe I might know what I'm doing.

Enjoy! :)


If anyone is going to ask Tony in the morning how much sleep he got tonight, he's going to add an extra hour or two or three to what it actually will be. The same can be said for the past few nights.

The thing about ADHD is that it comes with a lot of things. Hyperfixation is one of them.

Right now, hyperfixation has taken control of him. He has hyperfocused on past lives and reincarnation, learning all that he can.

It's been nearly a week since that first déjà vu sensation on Louis's birthday. Tony is determined to find out all that he can.

He's found so many stories. It's all so, so interesting. He can't wait to infodump all this information on any of his friends the next time he sees any of them.

He just wishes that he was closer to figuring out his story.

Because there have been feelings of déjà vu since the 18th. It was the strongest then.

Until today: July 24th.

He's searched what happened July 24, trying to find anything, and once again, there's nothing that he really connects to.

It's just...they're trying to look through too much. There are too many possibilities.

I didn't think that there could ever be too many possibilities.

Because Tony loves thinking about possibilities.

But if they can't give the internet--their main source--the information it wants, they can't find the information that they want. Because that's how it works: the more specific information they have, the more clues they can get to finding out more.

Because while it could be July  18th or July 24th in New York, they have no clue what year, or any context at all. Heck, whatever happened to them could have happened before the common era; a lost year in history.

Tony doesn't want to think about that.

What he can tell is that it's more modern than that. But it's not that recent either.

Once again, the only way to describe it is as a certain point in time.

Very helpful.

This is driving him crazy. None of these websites, whether about New York's history or about past lives, are helping him.

Suddenly, Tony thinks to check the time.

00:01 am, July 25th.

It has now been a week since Louis's birthday.

Should he be sleeping? Probably. But does this seem more important? Yes.

In his defense, in the summer, Tony is usually up this late reading anyway. That's the great thing about summer: he can stay up until he literally exhausts himself from staying up so long, and sleep in the next morning, then repeat; with little to no consequences.

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