27 | Just What Happened?

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That ... was a lot to take in.

I promise that the next time there will be a flashback chapter, it won't be as traumatizing.

But what's going on in the modern world right now?

Well, we're all about to find out.

Enjoy! :)


Déjà vécu: an event already experienced or lived through. Déjà senti: something already felt, perhaps triggered by a voice or music.

Nick is trying to decide which one is truer for him right now.

Ever since Louis told him over the phone about how Kid Blink died on July 18th...

Honestly, what he's feeling is a mix of both déjà vécu and déjà senti.

He feels ... distraught. And it's like he's already been through this, already learning about Kid Blink's death. Learning about it now is like throwing him back into a loop of grief he didn't even know he had.

And that's how he knows that he--or whoever his past self was---was there when Kid Blink died. Because the emotions he's experiencing and the feeling of already gone through this before are both very prominent.

The one thing that comforts him is that now he can be sure that he and Louis knew each other in their past life; and cared for each other deeply. And even if they were separated by death, they've found each other again.

I'll find you in the next life. I don't care how long it takes. We will be together again.

He said that to Louis. Not in this life; but somehow, he just knows that he said that some place in time.

He's carrying out his past self's hope of reuniting with the one they loved most.

And he is all to happy to follow through with it.


They have had time to think about wanting to do the past life regression. They're doing all the research that they can. They all think that it may be a little too soon for it. They all want it, but there is just so much that they don't know.

So they come up with a plan: they'll regularly check in to see how everyone is doing. See if anyone's life is being affected drastically by anything unresolved in a past life. If everyone's fine, then they take as much time as they need to do research and think about it. If it's not desperately needed any time soon, they'll wait until summer; or at least until June.

So far, no one disagrees.

It's not a fully fledged plan, but it's a plan in motion.

And they can't wait to see it all unfold.

Now they're eating lunch in Mr. Denton's classroom, as things should be.

Today's official GSA topic: the National Day of Silence coming up in a few weeks. This year, it's Friday, April 22nd.

"How many of you are going to be participating this year?" Mr. Denton asks.

Every single person in the room says: "I am."

"Once we get closer to the actual day, I'll inform all of your teachers," Mr. Denton tells them. "And tell me if you find anyone else who is going to participate, okay? The school does accept it, but it's always nice to let everyone know ahead of time what's happening. Oh, and we'll have plenty of opportunities to talk about what we'll do together to break the silence as well."

Reincarnated ~ A Modern Newsies Au (Nowsies)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz