16 | Trying To Stay Strong

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I don't have many words, except I am figuring things out as I go along and my plan keeps changing haha.

Enjoy! :)


Warning: transphobia 

Now, David, Sarah, and Kathryn know the gist of what the strike was about. 

They know that they all felt something on July 18th because that's when the strike started all those years ago in 1899. August 1st was when the compromise was first proposed; August 2nd was when the newsies accepted it and disbanded their union. Of course, there were many, many other details in between. That's the part that they're all still learning about.

However, they are still trying to figure out who they were.

If they can find out who they were.

David knows that he was right in the middle of the action. Whatever was happening, he was in the thick of it. He doesn't like the idea of the newsies being violent in the earlier strike days, though. He prefers how they corrected their methods after the big rally. It's all a lot to take in, but he has to admit, this stuff is actually starting to make some sense. Some how.

Sarah, on the other hand, doesn't exactly feel like she was in the thick of it. The tricky thing is, is that she doesn't know if she was a newsie, or one of the rare girl newsies, or just some random woman/person who watched the strike happen. It's like she's...disconnected from it. But she does know for sure that in some way/shape/form, she was there.

Kathryn feels the most isolated from it all. She feels like she should connect to it all. They know that they were in the thick of the action...but still looking at it from a third perspective? What if she wrote about the strike rather than was in it? The idea excites her. But...she still has some doubt. Except the déjà vu is real for them. So it has to all mean something.

One thing that they all know is that people who have had past lives together are drawn to each other in the next one. So, like it or not, fate has intertwined them all.

And, if they can hone in on the newsies' capabilities to fight against their oppressors...

...They just might be able to stop the forces oppressing them.

It's Wednesday now; and the goal is to have GSA back for sure by next Monday. Tomorrow or Friday at best.

They can't wait.


Tony is so out of it, it's not even funny.

It's Wednesday; he should have adjusted to being back in school.

But between the transphobia and no GSA and eating lunch in the commons and everything else, he still just feels like he's in the middle of a whirlwind, not getting a break from any external or internal chaos.

And apparently, it's already starting to show in his work.

This is why pop quizes shouldn't be graded so fast, even if they're low stakes: his parents will see it, and freak.

Maybe today would be a good day to ride the bus instead of having his parents drive him.

Unfortunately, he can't make it out the house without his mom ambushing him. He knows exactly what she's going to talk about.

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