Chapter 8

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Getting up wasn't as hard as Peter made it out to be. He pulled you into his arms and gently flew you up to the cliff top. From there you could see the endlessness of the sea, stretching infinitely into the distance. Peter pointed out a rather large ship to you. It had large black flags and was slowly creeping into view of the cove.

"Those are the pirates. You should stay away from them. They poison people's heads with their lies and false promises." He said.

"What do they say?" Peter didn't answer and the mood became tense, filling you with anxiety.

"Just don't listen to them. What they say doesn't matter." He eventually grit out. You wanted to press him a little more but settled for watching the ship as it slowly sailed on.

When you turned back around Peter was glaring at the ship, a dagger in his grasp.

"It's not for you if that's what you're worried about." He said, pointing it threateningly at the ship. "Those blasted pirates tried to take everything from me. Tink, the boys... Wendy."

You looked at him in confusion. Who was Wendy? He hadn't introduced her with the Lost Boys. Maybe she left or lived somewhere else?

"Wendy?" Just as he gave you a blank stare that sent shivers down your spine there was the sound of cannon fire. A cannonball had broken off part of the cliff, sending the area next to you cascading into the ocean. Peter pulled you behind him, jumping into the air.

"Don't worry Y/N. Just stay behind me and it'll all be okay..."

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