Chapter 14

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The mermaids were there again, sunbathing at the shore. When they saw you approaching they waved at you, tails glinting in the light. "Y/N! Welcome back! Where is Peter?" The green haired mermaids from last time asked. Remembering what Peter said about mermaid's names you decided to give her a nickname. Fern. "Peter's busy." You said, sitting down next to them on a rock. "Yes. He often is. What brings you here?" A lavender haired mermaid with a purple tail asked. You decided to call her Lilac. "Just needed some peace and quiet. Has Peter ever talked to you before about someone named Wendy?" Fern shook her head. "We don't speak her name. Talking about her makes Peter go quiet. Bad things happen when he's quiet." You grimaced. You remembered when that had happened after Peter had opened up to you about Wendy. "Yeah. He's scary like that." Lilac nodded, before a wave suddenly crashed over her making her splutter. Fern laughed, she'd been high enough on the beach that it hadn't hit her. You let out a tiny giggle as well. Lilac smirked before flicking her tail, sending water all over Fern. It was Fern's turn to look shocked as Lilac snickered. You left the two of them to their splash fight when it started escalating.

You knew the path back. It felt the same, looked the same. But something was off. It was quiet. Deadly quiet. You felt eyes on your back, but every time you turned no one was there. Just when you'd been ready to sprint back, an arm locked around your face and a rag was placed in your mouth. With a muffled shriek you were dragged off into the forest, away from Peter and the Lost Boys.

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