Chapter 18

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It took a while for you to come up with some plan to get out of Neverland. Even then, the plan wasn't fool-proof in the slightest. It required luck and trust from the boys. Luck and trust that overpowered their feelings towards Peter. For now though, you were sitting in a clearing, waiting for Peter.

You wouldn't allude to the fact that you had been kidnapped, instead making it look like you got lost. The clearing you were in was pretty far from Peter's base so it would hopefully seem reasonable. It didn't take long before there was a thud from behind you. Steeling yourself for a moment, you took a breath, before launching into Peter's arms, clinging onto his shirt.

"Peter! I was so scared. I thought I was going the right way, but then nothing looked familiar and then I started panicking-" He gently shushed you before looking you over.

"You're fine darling. I'm just glad I found you. The boys were worried sick." You didn't trust the concern in his voice a bit, remembering both Edwin and Wendy's stories. He's hurt people and he could hurt you, Owen and all the others.

"You seem a bit on edge. Is everything okay?" You gave Peter a smile and a nod. Despite the worry on his face he sighed and picked you up, flying you back towards the base. Step 1 of your plan was complete. Now you could only hope your luck would continue. It had to. For both your sake and everyone else who Peter could hurt. Everything had to go according to plan.

A/N - Thank you all so much for the support and patience! I am feeling slightly better today but still showing symptoms. I tested negative again (so did my sister who also has symptoms) so it's probably just a cold or really bad allergies. Anyways, thank you all for the support and I'll try and upload again soon!

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