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He didn't get it before, but he does now.

Fu Changling regretted what he had just said after realising where he was and quickly apologised, "Sorry, Dà Gē, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

However, it was evident that the other party had no intention of forgiving him. The big fellow lifted him up and threw him to the side before striking Fu Changling with his raised fist. Everyone else around rushed up and punched and kicked Fu Changling in the middle as soon as the big fellow took the lead.

These townsfolk were all very fierce, and every punch and kick delivered by them carried the strength of the Jindan.

Fu Changling was cowering in the midst of the townsfolk, powerless to fight back.

Confronting Qin Yan, he was up against a top-tier Jindan—but confronting these townsfolk, he was up against a group of Jindans!

Fu Changling wanted to cry but was unable to shed a tear. What he was feeling right now was regret—a lot of regret. What the hell had he gotten himself into? He dared to act in such a way despite not even understanding what was going on.

Was this an ordinary temple? Was this a bunch of ordinary townspeople?

This was "that" legendary Golden Light Temple's number one ominous realm—the Xuanji Secret Realm that had caused him to bury his Jindan in his previous life!

Was there no reason as to why the Xuanji Secret Realm had never been opened in the hands of the Golden Light Temple?!

The reason for this was straightforward—very straightforward. It was because, in this secret realm, any random child passing by could be a Jindan capable of making you cry. Jindans could be found everywhere, and YuanYings were as numerous as dogs. Entering this secret realm was extremely dangerous, and even the slightest mistake could result in death.

Fu Changling curled up on the ground, giving up all attempts at resistance, hoping only not to provoke the other party. When everyone had had enough of beating him, he finally heard a female voice saying, in a sympathetic manner, "That's enough. He'll die if you continue to beat him."

True, true, true—Fu Changling agreed inwardly right away. He would really be killed right here if the beatings kept on.

"But he has offended the Venerable One, so his death won't be regretted," the big fellow who had initially beaten him spoke up, and Fu Changling silently condemned the other party's ancestors.

"That also necessitates a decision from the Venerable One." The female was somewhat irritated and muttered, "Despite being bruised and swollen, he has a good figure. What a pity to kill him."

Fu Changling's heart shook when he heard these words. He looked up to see a woman the size of two people, squinting and eyeing him up, with two red blotches painted on her face and a hairy mole at the corner of her lips.

Fu Changling's breathing came to a halt in shock. The woman examined him from his head to his feet, then from his feet to his head, before finally sighing, turning her head away, and resting her palm on the face of a man lying next to her. "This one is still better-looking," she said, softening her tone.

Fu Changling gazed at the woman and found that it was Qin Yan's face that she was caressing.

Qin Yan was completely unconscious by now, but he was treated a lot better than Fu Changling and was placed on a flatbed cart with hay underneath him. Blood stained his shoulder, and he frowned tightly. His pale face and attractive features, combined with the bright crimson of his blood, gave him a frail beauty in contrast to his whole person.

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now