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She's Pregnant

Upon hearing these words, Fu Changling was momentarily stunned. Then he saw Qin Yan looking at him and said, "You don't remember. You and I met at the grand succession ceremony of the new palace leader of the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace back then. I attended with my Shīfù, but accidentally lost my jade pendant. The Elders scolded me, and that's when you intervened, saying, 'It's just a jade pendant, not a big deal'."

Fu Changling listened, momentarily unable to react. Qin Yan calmly said, "I have always remembered, I owe you."

Fu Changling stayed quiet, not uttering a single word. After a while, he couldn't resist a smile and confessed, "I have no recollection of it at all."

"We were merely children at that time," Qin Yan gazed up at the stars in the sky, "I was barely eight, and my Shīfù was just in his early twenties. You were even younger, slightly shorter than me."

"But now I'm taller than you, aren't I?" Fu Changling quickly interjected. Qin Yan gave him a nonchalant glance, causing Fu Changling to fall silent. After all, nobody likes being called short.

He thought for a moment and quickly tried to steer the conversation back on track. "But I do have a faint recollection of certain things from that time. I just remember when your Shīfù was conferred, there was a long flight of steps. You followed your Shīfù, ascending to the top without showing any signs of fatigue. Su Wenji and his father were waiting for you and your Shīfù on the conferment platform, and when you arrived, Su Wenji stood on the left while you took your place on the right..."

"You remember that quite clearly," Qin Yan couldn't help but smile. Feeling slightly embarrassed, Fu Changling responded, "On one hand, seeing you ascend those towering steps without even getting out of breath, I found you incredibly impressive. On the other hand... seeing you and Su Wenji standing behind your Shīfù, it also... looked somewhat silly."

Qin Yan cast a glance at him, and Fu Changling, driven by curiosity, asked, "By the way, why did your Shīfù aspire to become the Palace Leader of the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace? I heard that he challenged a hundred sects with his sword back then, and I thought he was quite a laid-back person. The position of the Palace Leader of the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace is quite burdensome; how could he bear such a responsibility?"

"Who knows?" Qin Yan took a jar of clear wine and took a light sip, calmly stating, "When I was four, he found me and took me in. At that time, he knew nothing. He'd buy a set of clothing and then ask me to help him put it on."

"No way?" Fu Changling erupted into laughter. "Shīfù is actually that kind of person?"

"His sect was peculiar, secluded in the desolate land for a long time," Qin Yan spoke slowly. "He knew nothing but swords. I took care of him; he took me in. I don't know why, but he went to various major sects, challenging them one by one. I asked him why, and he told me that he just wanted to gauge his own strength."

"Later, we passed by a village where we stayed for a fortnight. The villagers were incredibly hospitable, and my Shīfù liked them a lot. Then we left to challenge a minor sect, and upon our return, we found the village had vanished."

"How did it vanish?" Fu Changling asked, perplexed. Qin Yan, taking a sip of his wine, explained, "Evil forces wreaked havoc, and there was no one to turn to for help. My Shīfù stood in the village for a long time, and then he suddenly expressed his desire to partake in the grand selection for the Hongmeng Heavenly Palace. So I thought, perhaps my Shīfù was seeking a different kind of experience."

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now