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It's not Shīfu that I care about; it's you...

Qin Yan felt Fu Changling leaning over him, even catching the faint sound of his chuckle. He wanted to ask what Fu Changling was laughing about, but he dared not speak up.

He exerted considerable effort to restrain the involuntary tremors coursing through his muscles, determined to conceal any hint of trepidation that might betray his inner turmoil to the other person.

Hastily, he entered the Wenyue Palace, carrying Fu Changling on his back. Upon crossing the threshold, he was greeted by the sight of Jiang Yebai lying on the floor, splatters of blood all over the place.

Qin Yan's pupils shrank in alarm. Quickly putting Fu Changling down on the floor, he reached out to check Jiang Yebai's pulse, channeling his spiritual energy into Jiang Yebai's meridians and probing for any signs of life.

The moment his spiritual energy entered Jiang Yebai's body, Qin Yan sensed that Jiang Yebai's spiritual power was surging and raging within like a tempestuous storm.

Fu Changling noticed Qin Yan's pallid complexion.

Swallowing the blood churning in his chest, he reached out to feel Jiang Yebai's pulse. Detecting Jiang Yebai's erratic spiritual power, he gasped, saying, "He failed to regulate the influx of spiritual power." Fu Changling explained, "You need to infuse your spiritual energy and guide his spiritual power to flow through the normal meridians."

"But his meridians are already overwhelmed with spiritual energy," Qin Yan frowned. "If I were to infuse more of my own spiritual energy, I fear..."

"He's already spiraling out of control," Fu Changling said, shaking his head. "We have no choice but to take the risk."

Qin Yan hesitated for a moment. Fu Changling said softly, "Or, let me do it."

The precision of controlling spiritual power in spellwork cultivation surpasses that of sword cultivation by a significant margin, and the spiritual energy also tends to be much milder.

Undertaking this task indeed poses a greater risk for Qin Yan than for Fu Changling.

Qin Yan glanced up at him. "What about you..."

"I'll manage." Fu Changling wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, then took the Spirit-Gathering Pagoda out of his sleeve and placed it beside Jiang Yebai. With a recitation of a spell, he activated the Spirit-Gathering Pagoda.

The Spirit-Gathering Pagoda began to operate slowly, gently absorbing Jiang Yebai's spiritual power.

Fu Changling carefully withdrew Jiang Yebai's purified spiritual power from the Spirit-Gathering Pagoda, exercising meticulous control as he guided it back into Jiang Yebai's body.

The spiritual energy within Jiang Yebai's body surged and churned uncontrollably.

Fu Changling converted his own spiritual energy into a net-like structure, gently yet firmly enveloping Jiang Yebai's scattered spiritual power. With care and resilience, he guided it in a specific direction.

This process exacted a tremendous toll on the cultivator's energy, leaving Fu Changling's forehead beaded with cold sweat in no time.

Qin Yan frowned as Fu Changling closed his eyes, exerting his utmost effort and concentration to wrestle with Jiang Yebai's turbulent spiritual energy within his meridians.

He couldn't risk causing harm to Jiang Yebai. It was crucial to rein in his unruly spiritual energy.

Despite Fu Changling's spiritual consciousness surpassing Jiang Yebai's, undertaking this task at his Deification level, two tiers below Jiang Yebai's Tribulation Transcendence, still inflicted immense pain upon him.

The expenditure of Fu Changling's spiritual consciousness triggered a faint pain in his Sea of Consciousness, while the near-exhaustion of his spiritual power induced a throbbing agony coursing through every inch of Fu Changling's meridians.

Nevertheless, he betrayed no hint of distress on his face, gritting his teeth and persisting with unwavering determination as he steadily calmed Jiang Yebai's turbulent spiritual power, bit by bit.

After nearly half an hour of exhausting efforts, Jiang Yebai's spiritual energy gradually calmed down.

Qin Yan keenly perceived the surrounding spiritual energy surges becoming more tranquil.

Knowing that Fu Changling was nearing success, Qin Yan waited by his side.

When Fu Changling finally ceased his efforts, Qin Yan reached out and clasped his hand.

Just as he was about to say something, Fu Changling closed his eyes and slumped directly into Qin Yan's arms.

Qin Yan noticed that Fu Changling's spiritual energy was exhausted, a condition far more manageable compared to Jiang Yebai's.

He fed Fu Changling some medicine to stabilize his primordial spirit, then slowly infused his own spiritual power into him.

Only after ensuring that Fu Changling was fine did Qin Yan turn his attention to Jiang Yebai.

Jiang Yebai had now fully stabilized.

Once confirming that Jiang Yebai was unharmed, Qin Yan carried him to the bed. Then he proceeded to carry Fu Changling to the other bed.

After all the commotion, voices were finally heard from outside.

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now