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How exactly did you two come to know about this? Su Wen...

Listening to the voice uttering "good boy," Fu Changling felt a pang of bitterness in his heart, mixed with a hint of unusual sobriety. He was acutely aware that the person before him wasn't the Yue Sinan from the realm of illusion. In that realm, regardless of her goodness, she remained the Yue Sinan from nineteen years ago. The events of those nineteen years were shrouded in mystery, leaving everyone ignorant of the true thoughts of the Yue Sinan nineteen years later.

Fu Changling just watched as Yue Sinan raised her hand, conjuring two chairs out of thin air, which landed behind Qin Yan and himself. The nearby table expanded and moved in front of Qin Yan and Fu Changling. Her puppet leaped down from her shoulder and poured tea for both of them. Yue Sinan picked up her teacup and sipped it, saying, "While there is still some camaraderie between us at this moment, feel free to ask any questions you may have."

"If I ask," Fu Changling said as he watched the puppet place the tea in front of him, his gaze lowered, fixed on the bluish-green tea, "will you be able to answer?"

"At least I won't lie to you," Yue Sinan leaned back in her chair, chuckling softly, and said, "I'm not like those old fools who would entangle you with lies. How have you fared in the Fu Clan these past eighteen years?"

"Aren't you supposed to know?" Fu Changling looked up with a wry smile. "I don't believe you haven't come to see me even once."

If Yue Sinan was the person from the illusion realm, she would most likely have come to see him before.

Yue Sinan remained silent for a while, seemingly lost in thought. After a moment, she chuckled self-deprecatingly. "You are indeed smart. I did sneak a peek at you when you were little. But due to my identity, I could only observe you discreetly. There was one time when you encountered me and saw Huofeng beside me." With that, Yue Sinan turned her head, gently patting the puppet's head next to her. The puppet looked up at her and gleefully displayed its mouth full of sharp fangs. Yue Sinan found amusement in the puppet named 'Huofeng' and chuckled. "It wanted to play with you, but you got scared. I figured you were afraid of me, so I stopped visiting."

"I'm sorry," Fu Changling uttered in a low, hoarse voice, and Yue Sinan shook her head. "It's not like I blame you. You were just a kid back then. I don't have much time right now, so let's get back to the point," Yue Sinan said, looking up at him. "Anything you need to ask, make it quick. Once you're done, it'll be my turn to ask you."

"Where is Yun Yu?" Qin Yan immediately spoke out, and Yue Sinan promptly responded, "He is in the Luoxia Cave, ten away. But, are you two planning to take him away?"

Yue Sinan smiled, while Fu Changling frowned. "He can't come with us?"

"He can, actually," Yue Sinan leaned back in her chair, propping her chin up with her hand. "However, his previous body was completely destroyed. He was injured by a fierce ghost, and the Yīn energy was too intense for him to fully recover from. So, I could only create limbs for him, but he might look a bit different."

"No problem," Qin Yan put his mind at ease. "As long as he's still around, that's all that matters."

"Consider it a gift from me," Yue Sinan said, with one foot resting on the other, leaning forward slightly, and propping her chin up on her hand. Her foot unconsciously swayed gently, resembling that of a young girl's. "Anything else you want to ask?"

"Do you know about what we witnessed in that wisp of spiritual consciousness?"

"I do," Yue Sinan's smile faded slightly. "I accompanied you two into that realm, and I stayed within 'Yue Sinan's' spiritual consciousness."

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now