Chapter 3: prison escape...

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Tommy POV

I landed at the apartment and opened the door to immediately get attacked by Tubbo and Ranbo. "Where were you!? We were worried!" Tubbo and Ranboo said, "Uh sorry guys the Blade was kind of chasing me."

"YOU GOT ATTACKED BY THE BLADE?!" Tubbo yelled, "Um, yea sorry... anywayssss I need to go sleepssss. So- ""No you're not, you got an email last night. You were accepted, they said you had to get there by 6:30 AM." Tubbo said, "Oh, wait what time is it?" I asked, "It's 6:14 AM." Tubb answered checking the clock.

"OH FUCK- "I went to the bathroom and took off my vigilante outfit. I then put on a white shirt with red sleeves on and some pants. I ran out of the bathroom door and out of the apartment door too. I ran to the direction of the Hero Center. I was almost there now just a few more blocks, I was almost there when I was stopped by someone.

"Excuse me can you move please, I'm in a hurry." "Give me your money!" Great it was a robber, and he had a knife, I quickly ran at him, grabbing his head and slammed it on the ground with unbelievable strength. Stronginnit? Oh, I forgot you were here. So, mean >:(

I then made my way around the robber and continued running. Vesta what time is it? I'm not your watch- its 6:23 AM. thanks! I kept on running until I was suddenly stopped by traffic blocking the way, fuck I'll have to take another way. Karma!

I looked around and saw an alleyway. Uh bad ideaaaa. I ignored Vesta and ran into the alleyway and started climbing up. Wha- rude! I kept on climbing until I got up to the roof. I'll have to jump roof to roof to get there on time, at least its just a few more blocks away.

I ran and jumped at the end of the roof and landed on the other roof. I repeated this again and again until I saw the Hero Center. I climbed down and ran over to the door. "Hi Kristin!" I said while passing through, "Oh- hi Tommy!" Kristin replied, "Oh, wait Tommy go to floor 43." "Oh, okay thanks! "I said before walking into the elevator. I pressed floor 43 and waited.

I waited for a while until the elevator door opened again, I walked out to see a fancy looking living room. Ugh rich people. It's the break room- but okay. What the fuck do I do now? Tommy- you have your own office you know. Because you're the SBI's assistant now. Assistant...? Did I not mention that? No- whatever which office though? There's 4. ;-; it's the dark red one... Okay thanks.

I walked over to the dark red office door and opened it. It looked normal, it had some books, a work desk or whatever, a chair and some space for stuff I could add or whatever. Yea I'm not gonna fill it up, lots of space to walk around and stuff. Maybe a couch though- FOCUS MAN! Oh, there's paperwork already. Welp time to get to work...

I walked over and sat on the chair; it was one of those spiny chairs too! What is this paperwork anyways? I looked at it and frowned, it was about an experiment factory that blew up mysteriously 10 years ago. ... uh... I fucking hate that place... mumbles... I definitely didn't blow it up with Ch1Ld... What was that?

Uh, nothing! ... I was reading the information of that place now. eXpEr1m#N^ 871: It was created by using enderman genes mixed with an unknown gene, given by !?$!m. "Dream..." I said quietly, I continued reading. The creation of this creature was a success, it can not touch water without burning. It seems close to exPer1m#N^ 875 & 874, It sometimes go into a state where its eyes turn a glowing purple, when it goes into that state it is more aggressive and protective of exPer1m#N^ 875 & 874.

ExPer1m#N^ 874 is a mix of a goat and an intelligent creature, the unknown gene was also given by !?$!m. Are all of these mysterious genes giving by Dream? Uh- The creature seems to have taken a liking to bees and nukes. It once built a nuke when we gave it some scraps of technology, the nuke was taken away for testing on how danger it is. We are still waiting for the results...

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