Chapter 6: cuddling

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This is all fluff- well mostly fluff. DO NOT TAKE THIS FOR A SHIP NO SHIPPING HERE! OR ELSEEEEEEE- okay let's get to it. Crime boys fluff btw :> oh and cuddling- no shipping I say again.

Tommy POV

I opened my eyes to see that I was back at the apartment. I looked around aimlessly. What happened? "Tubbo? Ranboo?" I said, "Oh, good your awake." Tubbo said coming out of the kitchen, "Where the fuck were you?!" Tubbo then yelled. "I don't kno- "I suddenly remembered everything that happened. "Oh..." "Do you know how worried we were?!" Tubbo yelled pointing at Ranboo. Oh, your awake... What happened? I thought ignoring Tubbo that was yelling at me. Oh, nothing much...

... Sapnap and George almost caught me, how is that not much?! Uh, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't remember that. Well, I do and what was that last thing you said before I passed out? Heh? You said, "Well, it's time to fix some stuff now. This will be fun." Um, shit I thought you were passed out already. Nope, I'm a big man, I don't faint that fast.

Sureeeeeee, anyways that was nothing importen- "Also, who the fuck was that girl that brought you back?!" Tubbo yelled, "Huh?" "There was a girl that just came out of nowhere with you. You were fucking levitating! She just dropped you off and then disappeared!" Tubbo said.

Wait what? Oh shit... I thought no one was looking... "She had a fucking book or something, she was writing inside it too or whatever. Who the fuck is she?!" "Uh, I have no idea." I responded nervously. "AND SHE HAD FUCKING WINGS THAT WERE PITCH BLACK! WHO THE FUCK IS SHE?!" Vesta helpppp! Nah, you weren't fast enough when I said to move.


Time skip

Ugh... I swear that lasted an hour or more. Welp that was fun to watch. Why didn't you help me?! Because I'm lazy, and I don't want to do anything pretty much. It took a lot of energy to save you, you know. Wowwww thanks for saving meee. You're being sarcastic- yep! You know you should sleep while you still can. You have only 1 hour to sleep until you have to go to work.

What- You know what I'll just drink caffeine. Not good for you- Don't care.

Time skips again to when it's 6:30 and he's at work doing paperwork.

UGHHHHHH THIS IS BORING! It hasn't even been a minute- It's boring already. Just finish it early and then you can do whatever you want. Wait I can do that? Yea- *SPEED RUNS PAPERWORK* I- wtf????? How- Okay whatever, do what you want. I'm just going to sleep. Goodnight. Night? I'll wake you up when someone is about to come in or something. You better wake up- Yeah yeah...

Wilbur POV

I should apology to Tommy... I got up and walked out of my office. I walked over to Tommy's office and knocked. ... no answer... I knocked again. ... Still no answer. I'll just enter, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I opened the door slightly and peeked in. The first thing I saw was Tommy sleeping. Is he done with his work?

I opened the door completely and walked over. As I moved closer, Tommy shifted in his sleep. I looked over at his paperwork, huh not bad, I thought while picking them up. I went through them and then set them down again. Tommy kept on shifting in his sleep while I did that. "Shut up..." I heard Tommy mutter.

I was confused for a second. I barely made any noises- he's probably just having a loud dream or something. It seems uncomfortable sleeping there... I have the sudden urge to pick him up and move him to the breakroom... I picked him up and moved him to the breakroom.

I placed him down on the couch comfortably. As I was about to return to my office, I heard, "D-don't leave me..." I turned around to see Tommy shaking. I swear this is just a nightmare people. You know people leaving Tommy a lot so he's pretty much- I forgot the word... whatever you know what I mean. What? Is he having a nightmare? Yes, stupid.

... I walked back over and sat down on the couch. I tried waking up Tommy at first but, that didn't work. But at least he isn't shaking as much anymore. You know I'm kind of tired... I yawned. I think I'll sleep for a few minutes...

Vesta POV

..... *yawns* I'm so bored, now that Tommy's asleep- shit someone's coming. WAKE UPPPPPP! TOMMY WAKE UPPPPP! No... I- WAKE THE FUCK UP SOMEONE'S COMEING! ... okay now you're just blocking me. OUWDHIHCICNOJNXCIEFBIVBEIBDCHCKJDJSKSJHFUW- "Shut up..." Why did you say that out loud? Wilbur Soot is right there wake up. ... You know what I GIVE UP I'M SLEEPING!

Tommy POV

I yawned and opened my eyes. I felt someone tighten their grip on me. Who- I peeked up to see Wilbur hugging me- or cuddling me? Wait... IBCOBCWDOJCNOJNCDWHEFB WTF??! I tried to get out of this cuddling trap shit. I tried pushing Wilbur but, he just tightened his grip on me and just moved me closer.

Shittttttt! Vesta! *snores* VESTA! Oi shut up... Fucking help me! No, you didn't wake up so no... *continues sleeping* YOU- okay whatever. Wait... shit my wings. This is like a fucking death grip! I whined after many attempts of escaping. Humph! Meanie won't let me go! Stupid and bald!

After a while of being stuck in the arm's of Wilbur, I hear one of the doors open. I look up high enough to see Philza! "Philllllllll! Help me! I'm in the death grip of the bald man." I whined, Phil just chuckled and grabbed some pillows. "Get ready to move." Phil said. When Wilbur's grip loosened, I slipped down, and Phil put the pillows in my place. Wilbur death gripped the pillows, thinking it was me. Weirdo.

"Sorry about that, mate." Phil said, "It's okay..." I mumbled. Wait what time is it? "What time is it, Phil?" I asked, "It's 4:27." Phil answered, "Oh, shit! How fucking long did I sleep?!" I asked, "Hm, I think about... 7 hours by now. You must have been pretty tired." Phil answered. Well, I did stay up- welp at least it's just a few more minutes and I get to go home.

I sighed, I might as well, go home early. "I'm going home early, bye Phil." "Bye, mate!" Phil said. *hums* you're not going to do patrol today you know. I know I know. I stepped into the elevator and pressed floor 1. Great! No more work for me then. What do you mean bye that? Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you always get into trouble.

I DO NOT- I walked out of the elevator. "Bye Kristin!" "Bye Tommy." Yea you do. You went patrolling while I was sleeping, and 2/3 of the Dream Team found you, and almost kidnapped you. That all happened in one day. Not to mention you started hyperventilating- Okay! I get it, I get in trouble a lot. How is that my fault? You decide to go patrolling and that caused the Dream team to almost catch you. ... okay good point.

Now shut up, we're going home. So, shut the fuck up. Humph!

Welp I'm tired and my leg hurts like a bitch- it's been hurting for like 2 days now. Hopefully it stops tomorrow. Good night! I'll upload this when I get my iPad back!

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