Chapter 14: there's a creepy guy staring at you-

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I thought of it for a while... TW: mentions of kidnapping, he's not going to be kidnapped guys- ...uh- seeing stuff? Mentions of wanting to rip off of wings- panicking? Uh etc?

✨Philza Minecrafts✨ POV

We lost him again...My ears drooped a little. But differently. Why was Slayer there? Why were my sense's going crazy around those two? Why did Slayer help him? Why did Slayer help- wait... did he ever give out a name? "Techno what is the vigilante called?" I turned around to ask him.

"We never gave him a name. He never named himself." Techno said flatly. "We should give him a name then...I think we shouldn't just keep on calling him vigilante. It would be weird if we keep calling him that." I said- "Theseus." Techno said quickly.

"Theseus?" "Yes...Theseus..." "...Mate...why- "

Tommy POV

Being a vigilante is going to kill me one day. My wings were free but puffed out in anger. Yep- Oh, shut up. You're the one that told me to go. AND I HAVE FUCKING BLOOD ON MY FUCKING SUIT NOW! Uh- Oops? I AM FUMING! NOT TO MENTION GETTING A LECTURE FROM TUBBO TOO!

Oh, yea- that was funny :> Well, it wouldn't be if you were in my place. I have gotten 3 lectures in one day- two from family one from a principle that probably doesn't actually care. I cried like three times that day- but when it was my sisters time to lecture me.

I barely gave off any emotion. I was sick of everything. I hated my friend for that too. They caused it after all. THEY REALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DO THAT! BRUH I WAS FRIENDS WITH THEM FOR LIKE YEARSSSSSS!

You're now venting- I- okay yea I am...the audacity done? I need to sleep. ...Dude...You were out on patrol for hours- it's fucking the next day- you need to go to fucking work- WHAT?! NO WAY THAT MUCH TIME PAST-

It did- MOTHER FUCKER- WHEN WILL I GET SLEEP?! On the weekends...? It's Thursday- just one more day and then it's weekends. Oh- THANK GOD! Wait how much time do I have? Uh- a hour. ...I'm just going to go get coffee...DON'T GET THE BLACK COFFEE-

An hour later-

...I hate you...What? It's good coffee. My ear flicked as I drank it. If I had my wings out, they would be buzzing with excitement. ...ew just ew...Shut up- It's just an opinion- Doesn't sound like a opinion if you keep on talking like that.'re not wrong- Of course I'm not wrong. Okay- Now shut up. Stop saying that >:( no. You're just mean- shhhhhhhhhhhh- ...mean MOTHERFUCKER- My ear tuffs puffed out. Hm? Huh oh right- Uh- just some creepy looking dude looking at me.

Hm...? Hm...Eh it's just a guy doing his job- what is his job? UH- I'm not fucking telling- Wow just wow. Why can't you tell me this might be important thing?? ...I need to go to work- YEA YOU DO- RUNNNNNNN-

Okay...? I got off my seat in the café and opened the café door. "Bye Niki!" I called out; I heard a small bye before I went out. I went over to the direction of the Hero center like always. Is the guy that you won't tell me what his job is following me? No- oh wait yes.

Great- is he a kidnapper or something? Uh- I suppose you can kind of say that...That's not great news you know. Okay yea- not great news- it's not like he's going to do it soon- I'm going to be on my guard the whole time you know.

Yea...I probably shouldn't have told you. You would've told me anyways right- Yea probably- I took a sip of my black coffee and continued walking. ...why- why not? Okay you got me there- yea I did. My right ear did a little flick as I took another sip from my black coffee.

I hummed a little as I walked. I got closer and closer to the HC as time passed. You're making it sound dramatic you know. Not that much time past yet- and yes you are getting closer, with a creepy other blonde guy following you.

He has a white hoodie on, right? Yep! I'm guessing you were actually paying attention. I always do- Yea right. Okay that's just mean now. Welp. As I got closer and closer to the HC, I couldn't help but feel like I'm about to get stabbed in the neck with something.

I think I saw a ghost...staring back at me, through the mirror- are you singing a song? Hm? Yes...I am...It's just a song I recently found. Your singing sounds bad. Wha- it's not the bad! Hm it is...asshole...Bitch...chicken-

I'M NOT A CHICKEN- You are though- just with red feathers...practically imitating a Phoenix...well sorry I can't pick the colors of my feathers. Yea yea I know. Now let me continue singing. I'll just sing some parts of the song alright.

I guess...that'll be alright... Hm. I saw the HC in the distance. It wasn't that far anymore. Nostalgic... memories...of my past haunt me at night...I continued...I want to stab the guy behind me...While... nightmares...of my future...

Posses my mind...I want to spread my wings out...I want to rip off my ears were drooping down now...I'm staring at these walls; I think I might go insane~ my ear tuffs puffed out as I itched to rip my wings apart...why do I feel like that...?

How can I feel something, when nothings felt the same? Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill- I guess it's wishful thinking, that I could live a life. Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill KILL KILL KILL- Without the torment of my demons and their knives- S...stop...What's wrong?

Nothing...just're here btw, the man is gone too...Hm...thanks...I looked up at the HC. I must be hallucinating...I've been seeing things...smiles? Weird...I stepped inside the Hero Center.

...I don't have a plot for this- I have an idea for the ending but I do NOT have a plot- ...HELP-

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