Chapter 13: just almost got caught-

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The urge to make another fanfic is slowly taking over- wait... maybe I can make a fanfic of my oc's backstory... her backstory is pretty deep and long... hm... anyone want me to do that...? I could be sleeping right now but no. I didn't fucking update for a while- TW? Um mentions of guns and bullets, blood? Having to drink tears-

Tommy POV

I spread my wings as I unstrapped my wings, stretching them. Baldy was being a bitch. I know right- wait why is slayer still not back? How am I supposed to know? I flapped my wings a bit. Whatever just fucking go home. I am home- Wait what- ... You're becoming old S. Wha- I'M NOT THAT OLD! MY BIRTHDAY IS LIKE SOON AND I'M STILL IN SCHOOL!

You are also in denial- Well I am in denial- Ha! So, you admit it. I closed my wings. No! I am in denial but not because of that! All I heard was I'm in denial. You bastard- Bitch. Say... you haven't gone on patrol in a while. Oh, yea- I've been tired lately.

I suppose I could go on patrol though- I'm still really tired though. FUCK SLEEP! Didn't you like say you wanted me to sleep? Well- change of plan! Yay... Oh, stop being so sarcastic. Doesn't Tubbo have to know? ...Nah, he doesn't need to know... My wings puffed out a bit.

Besides when did you get worried about that? Since now- Well, stop that. Okay? Now go change. My children are being annoying and chasing Kid around while Sleepy is sleeping in the air. Okay... weirdo- I stepped over to the closet and opened it, my wings dragging behind me. A box was laying on the ground of the closet, inside is my vigilante suit.

I grabbed the box and brought it with me to the bathroom. I opened the box and grabbed out my vigilante suit. I changed into it and strapped my wings against my back again. I'm back! My ears flicked out in response.

:D we going? Well, I'm the one technically going. I can't just come out you know. Slayer did that last time- She what... Well, she came out and saved me. ...Okay... that's fine... I need to check out what caused that though. Hm... okay.

I got out of the bathroom and opened the apartment door- CLOSE IT! I closed the door back quickly. What??? You're an idiot. Go out of the window! But people can see me- People can see you more clearly when you go out of that stupid door.

...Did not know that. I stepped over to the window and opened it. I looked out and saw that there was a roof near me. I stepped on the hem of the window and jumped out. I landed on the roof and got up. Huh... did not know that was there.

Stupid- not stupid. Don't believe it. You have trust issues, of course you don't believe me. True- okay whatever. Go do vigilante stuff. Great! You seemed like the type to say no to that though- Things change. Life changes. Friendship can change.

True true. Time to beat some criminal's asses! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-

(Time skip because I said so- I'm losing ideas- GIVE ME IDEAS- Also in the story I narrate instead of making the story into what I want. I can manipulate it to do what I want though. BUT GIVE ME IDEAS ON WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT- I ONLY HAVE ONE GOD DAMN IDEA! Maybe that'll happen soon though...)

My arm hurts S T-T My ears drooped, and my ear tuffs were puffed out. Dang you're learning how to make those faces in your thoughts. Can't do anything about it though. I told you to dodge too. The fucker got my arm with a FUCKING bullet. Gotta hurt. IT FUCKING DOESSSSSSSSS!

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