Chapter 10: meeting Vesta- officially

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dream time people :D

Tommy POV

Well fucking great why am I here again? As usually I saw the girl just standing there staring at me. "Okay who the fuck are you?!" I yelled. She stayed silent. "Answer me!" She stayed silent and closed her eyes. "Come over here and sit down." As she said that a bench appeared out of nowhere. What? Why would I do that- "Get over here." She said darkly eyes still closed.

PRIME OKAY! I walked over and sat down on the bench, she sat down after a bit. We were silent for a while until I asked, "So, who are you?" She opened her eyes and stared at me. "No one... I am no one..." She replied.

Well, that wasn't an answer- I'll just ask again and again, until she answers me. Sooooooo that's what I did. I asked again and again. Every time her patience grew thinner and thinner, I could tell. As I said it for the 100th time or something she finally yelled out. "Oh my god! Shut the fuck up! I can't understand how I could deal with you!"

Deal with me? We've talked or met before. She must have regret saying that because, she grew silent after. "What? Deal with me? We've met before?" I asked, "Well obviously! And to be honest I don't want to talk anymore." She replied angrily.

Dang what she mad about? "I swear to god shut the fuck upppppppp I can hear your thoughts you know!" She said glaring at me. Wha- okay have we met before? "If I answer, will you shut up? Or wake up?" She asked. Her wings ruffling up. "Yea- ""Great, we haven't met in person since I am after at large still- anyways we have met in your mind I guess." She said quickly.

At large still??? What???? Okay can you tell me your name at least???? "Hm... I suppose I could tell you my name... Don't blame me if bad things start happening to you." Wha- She stood up and turned around at me. "My name is... Vesta..." She said and spread her wings.

Huh her right wing has holes in them... I wonder what happened to it- She must have been reading my thoughts or something, because she closed her wings again. Huh... Vesta... why do I feel like I'm forgetting something...

basically what happened but I make it more dramatic-

Her name is Vesta she was 7 and she just disappeared after the accident. The people that witnessed it happen were sent to get some therapy. Huh the name Vesta seems familiar... I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Eh. I continued going through all this paperwork and came across another thing that was interesting. Something about a villain that had dark colored wings, the people couldn't figure out what color they were.

They came out at night and at least killed 14 people every night. The one's they killed though were criminals. So, people were confused if they were a villain or hero for a while, but then the people settled with the person being a villain for killing people. I've heard of her... "YOUR THAT VILLIAN?!" I yelled out in alarm from the memory.

"Huh? Oh, right that... Eh it was fun until some drama came up- ""YOU'RE A VILLIAN?!" I yelled again. "... Yea I am got a problem? Besides we've talked before- then again I did erase your memories of me..." "YOU WHAT?!" I yelled. "BRO WHY ARE YOU SO SHOCKED?!" "MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A VILLIAN AND YOU'VE BEEN IN MY DREAMS!"

"I- okay good point. You should calm down you know- Oof dang it. Time for you to wake up." "WAI- "I woke up with someone's hand on my head. What the fuck?! Wait, I still have the memory from that dream... huh- Wait someone's hand is on my head. I turned my head around to my left and saw that Wilbur was sleeping next to me and he was the one that had hand on my head...

IVIUHFWHWDVBDI I KNEW IT DEVIL ROOM DEVIL ROOM! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN WHEN I'M IN THIS DEVIL ROOM?! WHY- okay calm down me. I got up but then fell back down on my face- Well shit I forgot that I wrapped the blanket around me- I'm a burrito- Shit my hands are at my sides-

HOW TIGHTLY DID I WRAP THIS AROUND ME?! I wiggled around and was able to turn around, wincing slightly from the weight I put on my wings. (He's on his wings now you know when you're laying on your back- his wings are on his back so basically his wings are being crushed by his weight-) I was looking up at the ceiling now. The ceiling is laughing at me... WELL FUCK YOU CEILING! BITCHHHHHH- oh right I'm still like this. "Wilbur!" I whined.

Wilbur steered but didn't wake up. Well shit. What the fuck do I do now?! "WILLLLLLLLLLLL!" I yelled out. Wilbur steered again, but didn't wake up- THIS MOTHER FUCKER BALD HEADED SON OF A BITCH- "huh...?" I heard someone say- wait that was Wilbur that said that. FINALLY, THIS BALD HEADED SON OF A BITCH WAKES UP!

"Willllll help meeeeeeeee." I whined- wait why the fuck am I whining?! I'm a big man! I shouldn't be wHiNiNg! "Tommy? What are you doing on the ground?" Wilbur asked looking down from the couch, to see me on the floor with this stupid blanket trapping me. "I fell down and this stupid blanket won't let me out." I said blankly.

"Phfffff- wtf?!" Wilbur said laughing- This mother fucker bald headed bitch is LAUGHING AT ME! HOW DARE HE- "Don't laugh at me!" I yelled twisting around in the blanket, "Are you going to help me or be a bitch?!" "Okay okay I'll help you." Wilbur said still laughing slightly.

He got off the couch and bent down. He then carried me in a bridle style. (Hush that's the only way I know- SHUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-) "You're not helping me." I said blankly staring at him. You know this is comfy- What the fuck?!?!?!??!!??!?! Nope I will not wall asleep for the- um I think... third time today!

I twisted around and tried to get Wilbur to drop me. This baldy has a fucking death grip! "Oi let me go if you're not going to help me out of this death trap." Wilbur hummed and said, "No." Wait- he said no... THIS MOTHER FUCKER-

My wings puffed up underneath my shirt and I twisted around even more. Wilbur grunted and said, "Stop moving Tommy." Wha- this bald headed SON OF A BITCH THINKS HE CAN ORDER ME AROUN- I suddenly felt someone's hand on my head.

Huh... this feels comfortable... Wha- NO HE'S USING THAT MOTHER FUCKING MOVE! THAT- THAT THINGGGGGGG- I felt the hand lightly scratch my head and move in a circular motion. I blinked a few times and closed my eyes.

:> *blinks* :> wtf am I doing- oh right! Uh- wait what was I doing- oh right I need to go to bed and then finish the video- Rightttttt- I should finish it tomorrow... hopefully... we'll see future me! Answer future me: You were able to do it past me! ... Barely though- I promise I'll add angst soon- sang it I need ideas- ... I have two ideas but... those will be later on.

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