Chapter 11: :)

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Because I'm sleep deprived having a bitch of a day. I'll just... add some heavy angst... wait who would be the person who does it though... hmmmmmmmmm- uh um well we can't have it being Dream... hm... I'll figure it out while typing... credits to the idea: @UNSAIDREAPER41 thanks for the idea! :D

Tommy POV

I finally got out of that fucking hell hole. I was now at the apartment staring at myself in the mirror. Is it just me or do my ears look pointier? My wings puffed up a bit. Hm... I think they are getting pointier... are those fucking feathers on my ears- okay whatever.

I know I'm handsome and all that shit but, I should probably go patrolling or something... Boi I swear to XD- wait no that's just God!Dream- Okay I swear to Prime I will kill you if you go. WHAT THE FUCK WHO ARE YOU-

Oh, shit I forgot- I'm just going to give you back your memories... WHA- I blinked a few times, as information and things I forgot came back to me. Vesta...? Yep! So- WHAT THE FUCK I WAS WORRIED THAT YOU LEFT ME!

Uh- sorry? I kind of had to leave- but then again, I was like "You know what because why not I'm going to come back cause I'm a bitch- "You are a bitch... :( sorry... It's alright but if you're going to leave at least try to tell me. Okay :>

You know you should go out for a walk... Hm? What? Why? My feathers flattened. Why... not? Your being very suspicious you know. You come back and then you act like this. Very sus- I- well I after all didn't tell you I was a retired villain. Sooooooooooo canyoujustgoforawalk?!

Um... Okay? I guess... Great- Oh hush my little Phoenixes. I know what I'm doing. So, hush. Wha- Who are you talking to?! Heh? Oh, right um go for a walk please. Okay that's even more sus. I spread my wings out to stretch them.

I don't know... I mean like... last time we talked Gogy and Sapnap almost kidnapped me. Oh, it'll be fine! ... Okay... I trust you... I got out of the bathroom and grabbed my hoodie. I put it on and then left the apartment.

Well? What now? Walk- I said that didn't I? Oh, yea- right you did. I started walking down the streets eyeing everything that seemed suspicious. That man with the cigarette kind of looks weird and he has his hands in his pockets- WHATEVER JUST WALKKKKK! I- OKAY!

Rude. You know what I'm going back. ... Vesta? ... Huh, wonder why she isn't saying anything. Whatever. I turned around and started walking back. I hummed a little tune as I walked back.

3rd person people-

The blonde boy walked home not realizing... He was revealing the location of the bench trios apartment to a certain greenhomelessbitchsimpinfanficsteletubbie green villain...


Vesta's POV

"Hm... well I only appeared in his head for a moment... Shouldn't change too much... other than... that..." I chuckled softly... "I wonder what will happened by just changing... one thing..." I turned the pages to Theseus.

"Well Theseus..." I smiled... "Will you ever be at peace...?" "Well... Let's see how this plays out... shall we...?"


Tommy POV Well, I had to do something didn't I? I was losing motivation. Why not interfere with it? :>

Okay I feel like I'm being watched. I turned around before opening the apartment door. There was no one behind me or anywhere. Huh... freaky... "Whoever is there you're a creep and bitch." I said out loud. ... Nothing. Well, I guess no one's following me then.

I walked in the apartment and locked the door. "Tubbo you here? ...Ranboo? ..." OkAy this is fucking weird. ... Yep no one is here. They must be late or something. Tommy~ AGHHHHHH- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU- NEW VOICE-

How rude. We're chat. Did you not hear us years ago? We were always talking. Uh- no- Oh- well that just sucks then. Oi shut up- No you shut up- NOT YOU- Shut the fuck up chat. Your already used to us! Your calm~ I am not- Yea you are~

Wha- NO! Humph! Oh, stop pouting. He's only started hearing us now. EvEn tHoUgH wE'vE bEeN hErE fOr YeArS~ Are you using autotune again- yEa~ Someone stop them- nOoOoO- NOOOOOOOOO! OKAY GIVE IT BACK TO THEM! tHaNk yOu~ I-

Oh, I forgot the child could hear us now. NOT A CHILD! Yea you are. Right guys? Yep. Yea. cHiLdDdD~ yes. You mother fuckers- LANGUAGE! Oh, shut up Bad2.0. I'm not a 2.0 of Bad- sO, aRe~ Okay can you guys be quiet for a while?

I want to sleep right now- Hm... Want to be quiet? Yea- NO- yea my eardrums are going to explode- hm... okay I guess... yEa~ Welp most are yes. So, alright. Guys gag the ones that won't be quiet. Mk! Okay. oKaY~

Great! I walked over to the couch and laid down. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Well today wasn't interesting." I said quietly to myself. "Are you sure about that...?" Wait... It can't be... I sat up quickly and turned around. My eyes widened as I realized that it was the person, I thought it was...


:> well how was it? Oh, I know what you're probably going to say- its short- I KNOW ITS SHORT D: I WANTED TO GET THIS DONE QUICKLY AND THIS IS HOW I'M EDNDING IT! HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA CLIPHANGER FOR YOU HBWVEFEHFDJDJCSKHIVHFWOBWOBHVJHBDHBOWEVWBHVUHUHWFUHWHUBW- Okay calm down- okay... welp bye- hey past me, so you didn't sleep well at night because mom woke you up-

Give me more ideas please :> I hope I didnt make any spelling errors- or it could be dumb autocorrect that did it-

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