Lets play a game

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Ikumi POV

I smile while everyone stares at me like I'm a pysco. "I'll put it up now, you guys look like you're about to shit yourselves." I go to put it away but Soryu grabs it. "H-HEY!"

"Where'd you get this?" He asks. Umm try not to blow your cover.... Oh! I know!

"Well after you let me go I saw it one the ground, so I picked it up." I say.

"Goddam Inui..." He tucks the gun in his pocket. "Choose." Eisuke says. "Whatchu talking bout pikachu?" I look him dead in the eye.

"Did you just call me Pikachu?" Eisuke face turns red. "Yeah. I choose you Soryu!" I point up to him.


(Yall know why )

"Why him?" Baba asks. "Probably cause they're alike." Ota smirks.

"Keep getting smart and you'll have to sleep with your eyes open." I warn.

"No way Ota's gonna be scared of you midget." Soryu looks down at me.

"Thats not what I meant. Im gonna cut off his eyelids. I've done it before." I smile wickedly.

"S-sorry..." Ota mumbles.

"I'm going back to my room." Soryu starts walking off and I follow him. "Dont get any funny ideas." He says and goes to the bathroom unbuttoning his shirt. I sat on the floor bored.

I slid my hand under the couch and my fingers brushed against something. Ooo. My nosey self grabbed it and pulled it out. A UZI. Soo cewl. I twirled it on my finger when the door open.

"Ack! SORYU SHES GOT ANOTHER GUN!" Baba yells. I push the gun back under the couch and Soryu walks out with a towel over his waist dripping wet.

I feel my face heat up and I stare at him. "What gun?" He asks. "I don't know what Baba was talking bout." I lie. "She just-" Baba starts to rant.

"Soryu! Before you came he hit me!" I yell.

"WHAAA?!" Baba gapes at me.

"I believe Baba." With that Soryu picks me up under my arms and drags me to a room. "Go to sleep." He says

"Goodnight Jeff the killer!"

Soryu POV

Did she just call me Jeff the killer-_-? "Sor, boss wants to see us." Baba says. "Alright, let me get dressed, get out."

With that, he leaves. I go to check on the girl before I leave. She seems fine.

"N-no I'm s-sorry... please d-dont leave me here alone... DADDY COME BACK!" She screams then jumps up.



"Did I wake you?"

"No, just came to check on you..."



"Sor you finally came! I heard screaming, she's a screamer huh?" Ota smirks. "Child, you disgust me." Kishi says and puffs on a cigarette.

~Time skip~

Ikumi POV

I sat up and looked around. Where'd he put my gun... I check under the couch, the bathroom, the kitchen, oh! His room.

I go in his room and start looking around is his room, hmm... I found it! I tuck it back in my boot. I start looking around his room for any info on him and the ice dragons, I pick up a piece of paper that has a serial number. I slip it in my bar and continue searching. "What are you doing in my room?"

I look up and see Soryu towering above me. "I-I got scared?"

He looks at me with a cold expression which I find kinda sexy....
wait what? "Get out, Baba bought you clothing you could bathe if you wish." He pushes me out of Hus room into the living room.

I bathe and get dressed into a shoulder strap nightgown that goes to my knee. I'm surprised that after I lied on him he bout me clothes. I'll thank him later. Oh! I gotta call daddy. Wait, my phone was in my strapless bra I wore before I was sold.

They- they didn't... THOSE BASTARDS DUG THROUGH MY BRA?!?!?!!!!!!!?

GREAT! Now I feel violated.

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