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4 years later

Ikumi POV

"Mommy! When is uncle Ayato coming?"

"Baby I dont know yet. You got to be patient."

4 years ago I had a beautiful baby girl named Kiriko Oh. She has my blue eyes and Soryu's black hair.

I told her to get dressed so Ayato could come and get her to bring her to the store. She wanted to go to the toy store but I have to go to work.

She came down wearing a sailor themed dress with a matching hat, and a white bunny purse.

"Mommy!" she screamed from the living room.

I ran in there with my gun present.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"A fly! Shoot it!" she says and clutches my pant leg.

"C'mere silly." I lift her up.

"He was gonna eat me!" she sobs.

"Baby, that's not a fly. That's a butterfly."

"It's still part fly!" she whines.

I put her down and turn on the tv for her.

I go back into the kitchen to pack her a small snack and put up my gun. The doorbell rings and I open the door to see Ayato.

"Sup Orange." I let him in.

"Ok, where's my little princess?" he asks.

"Watching tv."

He goes in the living room and I follow him.

"Hi uncle Ayato! Look im watching Caillou! He's going on a race with his daddy. I wish I had a daddy..." She said and stared at the tv.

I went back into the kitchen and sobbed a little before Ayato cane in with Kiriko on his shoulders. "Dont cry mommy. What's wrong?" Kiriko reaches down and places her small hand on ny left cheek.

"It's nothing baby. I just... wish you had a daddy too." I say.

"It's ok! I'll get uncle Ayato to buy us one." she whispers making me laugh.

"Ok, guys I have to go to work." I hand Ayato Kiriko's snack bag and leave to work. I pull up to my company building.

I work as the assistant for my boss. We sell guns. Ironic right?

--Time Skip--

Ugh... Today my boss worked me a little too hard. I had to work overtime. Now it's like 9:30 in the night.

I drove home and saw my door cracked open a little. And Kiriko's room light on.

I pulled my extra gun from my glove box and got out my car.

I made my way inside and turned on the light. "Put that gun away." I saw Ayato sitting on the couch.

"Why'd you leave my door open?" I ask. "It was hot." he mumbled.

"So you couldn't turn on the AC?" I ask and turn on the AC.

"It's like a spaceship in there! I dont know those controls!"

I laugh and heard laughter. "Who's upstairs?" I ask.

"Go look." he slouches into the couch. I throw my purse beside him and he reaches in and takes out a stick of gum.

"Really dude?"

He shrugs his shoulders and I walk up the steps.

"Put this one on too!" I jear Kiriko say.

"I-I dont think so..." a different voice says. My heart beat quickens from fear and I hurriedly open Kiriko's door.



Soryu POV

"Ota if you dont stop having kids every minute!" Mamo grumbles as Ota's sons run around him. Ota's girlfriend is pregnant. Again.

"Mr. Oh! Can we go to the toy store?" his 4 year old twins ask at the same time.

"No." I say dryly.



"Pretty please with scary things on top?"


"Please Soryu! Just this once!" Ota begs.


"I'll do anything! PLEASE! I JUST NEED A NAP!!" He cries.

"Tch. Fine." I grab my keys and lead the boys into the car.

They ran around the toy store like crazy wowing at every toy and every minute asking me to hold some toy that theyre gonna buy with their allowance. Until I got a shopping cart.

I felt a tug on my pant leg when I was reading an article about... Something.

"Just put it in the basket." I mumble.

I hear the item fall in the basket and feel another tug on my pant leg. I sigh and put the article down.

I glance in the basket and see a... Barbie doll..?

I look down and see a little girl with long black hair and piercing icy blue eyes. "I need help." she says.


"I cant find my uncle." she says.

"Hm. Where did you last see him?"

She shrugs her shoulders. I sigh and start walking beside her. "Mr.Oh! We got other stuff too!" I hear the twins yell.

"Im a girl and I dont care!" the little girl places her hands on her hips.

"Im, Mr. Oh." I say to her.

"Well Im Ms. Oh. Ms. Kiriko Oh." she giggles.

"Kiriko! Thank god I found you! If I lost you Kumi'd kill me- Soryu..."

I turn around and see Ayato.

"Haven't seen you in a while." he says and takes the little girls hand.

"What about Kumi?"

He starts stuttering badly (like that kid from vine :-P)

"Maybe I c-could show you~*" he says and the ending of his sentence in a high pitched tone.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he pulled out a note pad & pen and scribled something on it.

He tore if thd paper and handed it to me. "I see you're busy but when you're not, come to that adress" he takes the little girl and walks away.

--TIME SKIP!!!!--

I brought the twins back to Ota and looked at the adress on the paper. I went to the adress and saw a three story house.

I knocked on the door and Ayato opened the door.

"Hey, um... We gotta talk." he says and sits me on the couch.

--Time skip all the baby talk--

"I. Have a daughter?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs but dont tell her you're her dad. Not yet."

I didnt hesitate to agree and go upstairs to Kiriko's room.

"Hi Mr. Oh! Wanna play dress up?" she says as soon as I walk through the door.

Before I can answer, she already has me in a pink tutu a pink feathery tiara and a pink feather boa.

"Put this on too!" she hold up little play shoes.

"I dont think so..."

The door flies open and there she stood.



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