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"Wake up!", Thorin's voice came from in the darkness. "Wake up!"

I screamed as the floor beneath us collapsed, making all of us fall downwards threw a hole. It wasn't very comfortable since the walls were hard and we were getting thrown around as we feel. We hit a stone wall, hit the other wall, and hit each other. We went through a rock tunnel and rolled until we encountered something that looked like a basket, a huge vegetable basket, made for people. I landed on Bomber, standing up quickly I brushed myself off in embarrassment.

"Look out! Look out!", someone yelled as hordes of Goblins scurried towards us.

They grabbed my arms and dragged me with the others, pulling us through tunnels, and streets with all kind of shit that seemed to contain some kind of Goblin at the end. I was dragged across the floor by my arms and hair. When we completely reached the throne, a huge, very fat, slimy, giant blob came down to our level. We were all trapped completely, Goblins surrounding every inch of space around us.

"Get off!", a few Dwarves hollered pushing Goblins off of themselves, "Get your filthy hands off of me!", I screamed in disgust as some of the Dwarves turned to look at me, with Goblins touching me in places I really did not want to be touched by any of them slimy creatures, it was very uncomfortable for me to be in this situation.

"Get off me, you Goblin scum" I screamed and kicked the dreaded Goblins away from me and he quickly stepped back, licking his cracked slimy, lips and staring straight into my eyes. I turned around, looking away, disgusted as I shook my head. I tried my best to reach the rest of the Dwarves. Knowing that I'd be safe with them, wherever I went, or whatever situation I was in.

"Who would be so bold to come armed in MY Kingdom?", the suspected Goblin King went down to our level staring us down, "Spies?", he wondered. "Thieves?", his fat on his chin had jiggled grossing me out. "Assassins?", he exclaimed loudly spit flying every direction.

"Dwarves and there seems to be an elf among them, Your Malevolence", a Goblin had spoken up to the Goblin King of the underground fortress.

"Dwarves and an she-elf", The Goblin King shouted confusedly and slammed his staff against the ground with anger.

"We found them on the front porch", someone else in the crowd shouted. The Goblins were still trying to attack me, but I kept them further away.

"Well don't just stand there.", the mighty Goblin announced loudly as I glanced in Thorin's direction. “Search them", he shouted again as the Goblins kept trying to attack me in such a terrifying way. "Every crack and every crevice", I tried to break free kicking them only for it to backfire massively.

"What are you doing in these parts?", the King announces as the smallest peasants froze.

"Speak", he demanded everyone going quiet. "Very well", he paused. "If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk", my stomach dropped. "Bring up the Mangler! Bring up the Bone Breaker!", he spat, "Start with the she-elf", the Goblin King smirked at me.

"Wait", Thorin immediately screamed behind us and then immediately walked out to the front of dwarves and met the disgusting Goblin King.

"Well, well, well", the Goblin mocked, "Look who it is", the Goblin raised his non existent eyebrows. "Thorin, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror", he mockingly bowed to Thorin. "Oh", he stood up. "But I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain", Thorin exhaled deeply, "And you're not a King. Which makes you, nobody really", my fast tightening in anger. As much as I hated him, with every piece of me. I still had to pay him a little bit of respect, at least I thought I did, I mean he was a king after all, "I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head. Nothing attached", he chuckled, "Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc, astride a White Warg."

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed", Thorin instantly spat back towards the Goblin King. "He was slain in battle long ago", Thorin exclaimed loudly, clenching his fist till his knuckles turned white.

"So, you think his defiling days are over, do you?", the mighty Goblin questioned with a devilish grin, "Send word to the Pale Orc. Tell him", he paused, "I found his prize", at his request, the King unkindly laughed and addressed the diabolic Goblin runt on his little Goblin throne.

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