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Bilbo and I were looking for a group of Orcs that had followed us for days on end. Out of breath diving behind a rock with Bilbo, I looked up at the mountains before the snow fell on Azog. We looked back and they were moving too fast. When we turned to see a giant bear looking thing, which was moving to our right. It was huge, unnatural, and hairy. We got up slowly and backed away before rushing towards the dwarves until we heard a loud noise. I wanted to catch my breath and approach him. Thorin ran to us in despair.

"How close is the pack?", Thorin asked as some dwarves approached us, listening carefully to our conversation.

"Too close", When her Uncle did that, she passed by holding her breath. "Could of leagues, no more. But that not the worst of it", Bilbo spoke for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"Have the Orcs picked up our scent", Dwalin question as I shook my head. "Not yet, but we have another problem", Bilbo tried to explain but Gandalf interrupted him mid-sentence. "Did they see you? They saw you", He immediately assumed frantically.

"No, that's not it", I tried to explain moving hair from my face.

"Good, what did I tell you? Quite as a mouse. Excellent burglar material"

"Will you just listen", I raised my voice before beckoning my uncle to continue.

"I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there", Before Gandalf had a chance to respond quickly, Bilbo finished his words, and the dwarves rushed back and forth.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?", Gandalf asked, feeling someone's gaze piercing through me. I looked around slowly and saw Kili was looking at me and quickly turned to Gandalf.

"Ye- yes but bigger", Bilbo answered before I added on, "Much bigger", I asked, wondering why Kili was lookjng me. I explained what was going on. Did it mean nothing? Am I thinking too much or am I just acting like an idiot?

"You knew about this beast?", Bofur questioned knocking me out of my, while I was looking for answers from Gandalf, "I say we double back"

"We'll be run down a pack of Orcs". My blood boils in anger at the thought of the name Azog, and Thorin growls. I mumbled as everyone nodded.

"I don't think any of us are ready to face those godforsaken creatures", I mumbled as everyone nodded their heads in agreement, mumbling against each other.

"There is a house, it's not far from here, where we might take refuge.", Gandalf stated reassuring as I sighed in satisfaction.

"Whose house", Thorin questioned a bit disrespectfully. "Are they friend or foe."

"Neither" Gandalf replied as I looked at him, raising my eyebrows in disbelief. "Well that's just wonderful.", I whisper and get a small smirk by Fili and Kili.

"He will help us or," Gandalf paused as I waited for him to continue. "He will kill us" I took a deep breath as I watched Thorin seeing him scoff with an eye roll.

"What choice do we have", Thorin moaned angrily. Suddenly we hear a loud roar just behind our story. "None", Gandalf gasped before we all knew what our only option was. To run.

Gandalf took the lead and we all followed him along with the strange big bear from our story. We all stopped at the creature's approaching roar, and I swallowed nervously.

"This way! quickly!", Gandalf shouted as we ran without stopping. We ran down the hill and did not stop under any circumstances. He quickly pointed to the utterly huge house. "Into the house! Run!" Gandalf yelled as we got closer and closer. "Come on! Get inside!" Gandalf exclaimed as I turned and saw him coming closer and closer to the house. Finally we got to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. I swore, panting as I turned to see the creature closer than ever before.

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