Chapter 17

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After that part of his memory, I was kicked out of his dream. I don't know if he had already gained consciousness or just knew I was there, stalking him through his dreams, or he was just distracted a while ago, allowing me to enter his dream as I please, though that also took me off-guard.

Marshmallow slowly started moving, then his head shot up.

How much of my memory did you see? His voice said in my head, almost accusingly.

I mean, I admit, it was pretty stalky like whenever I get into his dream to see his memories, but it wasn't my fault he seemed so suspicious as if he was hiding something.

Not much, I replied, hoping that would clear everything out.

Did you..?

His voice trailed off when he noticed my confused look.

Never mind, he said in a raspy voice. At least I don't think...

It was obvious he was hiding some sort of secret, but I don't know how bad it can be for him to use a lot of energy in blocking me out of his dreams. Pets and owners have some sort of connection that allows us to see through each others' minds and emotions.

I didn't really mind it, even though it sort of invaded my privacy, but Marshies did, I don't mind that a teeny bit but I wanted information which he seemed to have, and he was trying so hard hiding it.

I needed to know. It may cost just a little to him but the mate bond is messing with my mind, and I was just a normal wolf, I don't know how Caine's dealing with it since he's a pure-blooded Alpha after all.

He's ancient so he probably has no problem dealing with it, my wolf snorted.

It's been weeks and this is the first time I heard from her again, she was, after all, the one who's most affected by the mate bond and pull, she's been very very silent ever since I told her that we're not going to get too close to Caine in the meantime. But, obviously, my wolf doesn't agree with me.

Of course, I don't you're doing the complete opposite of what a mate should do, my wolf said, a hint of anger in her voice.

As much as I wanted to block her out of my mind, I couldn't, a wolf is a part of a werewolf, meaning that we can't actually block our wolf or wolf instinct out, but we could always ignore them, which is a pretty hard thing to do.

I looked over at where Marshies had just left, he was hiding something important, important information that I need. Just emphasizing since want and need are two very different words.

I stood up and bent down to check under the bed. Marshmallow always hid under the bed whenever he felt uncomfortable or just want to escape, it's like his 'safe place' or something like a territory, or somewhere you can call home, especially when I'm being buggy.

I gently took Marshmallow into my arms. He instantly curled up around himself, we were used to being silent during times like this, so the silence wasn't uncomfortable.

I decided to break the silence first by saying:

"Please, please, please tell me what information you're hiding, please? With a fox on top?"

No, you should know that I'd never agree to that. You've asked me more than a hundred times. I could literally feel him snort after his statement.

"I'll just have to steal the information from you if you won't tell me," was my usual answer.

Pffftt, I'd like to see you try, was always his answer, but he seemed to be convincing himself instead of convincing me.

Suddenly, guilt started flooding his eyes just like it always did whenever we had this conversation. I didn't know why he would feel guilty, maybe for his previous owner's actions? I wouldn't know because he kept hiding it so well, during the past few days, I could barely feel any of his thoughts or emotions, and especially not dreams, well, except the one I was in recently.

Actually, I don't think I could keep it any longer. His voice whispered in my mind. But you have to promise me that you won't get mad.

I promise, I said back in my mind. How bad could it be?

My previous owner didn't curse the Cadell's father or the Cadell brothers, she never did, never even thought about it, Snowy said.

So who did? If you know who, I mean, I asked, my curiosity had reached its peak.

I did.

"Wait what?" I said out loud, not believing that Marshmallow would do such a thing. "Come on Marshies, you don't have to cover up for your previous owner's mistake."

I'm not, I just don't like you blaming my previous owner for my mistakes. I did it for revenge, his father was basically trying to kill my only best friend, or what you guys call BFF. Plus she doesn't even have enough magic in her to curse the father with the offspring and the offspring of the offspring if that was even possible.

I gasped, so that was why he kept shooting me guilty looks.

Now that I know Marshmallow's 'very important secret' what should I do?

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