Chapter 22

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"What do you mean the ingredients aren't complete?"

"It's, like, um, only two of the five are there," Marshmallow explained, glancing at me to check my facial expression. "I think someone took the other three ingredients because it's rare and all. They could probably get a good sum from it."

"What about the other two ingredients they didn't take?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Um, it's cheap."

Of course.

Supernaturals were greedy when it came to money and power. They'd do literally anything for it. Whereas us, humans, would do anything to just survive.

"So, umm, what now?"

"We go back home," Caine answered. "It's way too dangerous for you to be venturing out in the woods, especially when you go hunting for a freaking cure without telling me first, then go off in your little adventure thinking that everything will be fine and you'll be able to get a cure when I, myself, can't find one for years."

He did have a point, but I really thought that we would be able to make the elixir after getting all the ingredients at Hecate's grove.

I didn't know that some would be missing. I mean, most of it would be missing.

"What are you waiting for?" Caine snarled. "Let's get going."

Marshmallow and I followed Caine like lost puppies.


We were still walking.

Everything was about walking.

I feel like going to the cemetery took much less time than going back to where we came from. I feel like I've been walking for ages when it had probably just been an hour.

"Break, please?" I asked.

So far, I had been the only one asking for constant breaks, even though I was probably the one to blame for all of this happening anyway.

Caine grunted.

"We're never going to reach back home before the next day if we keep taking breaks every time you ask for one."

Even though he gave not-so-nice comments like these every time I asked for a break, he still let me have the break I wanted, er, needed, anyway. 

So I looked for a comfy spot to rest on and chose a random tree, leaning on it. I gazed at the starry night sky.

I was so mesmerized by the evening sky's beauty that I lost track of time, so mesmerized that I didn't realize a light green smoke had started to ooze out of the nearby spiky green plants, until the smell finally hit my senses.

At first, I wasn't able to register the unfamiliar scent, until I started getting sleepy.

But that was when I realized it was probably the plant that our village had experimented with and studied, the village chief always reminded us to never stay too long in a place with that same kind of a plant because it spews out a green-like fog that makes you sleep for at least three days.

I heard a loud groan from the side and saw Caine and Marshmallow snoring, twisting and turning, getting splinters from where the branches made contact with their skin.

I forgot, I left out the part that it also causes nightmares.

I was getting very sleepy.

Then, I remembered how to avoid the effects of the smoke, I just need to find a knife and a juicy lemon. All I needed to do was to cut my palm with the knife and pour the lemon's juices into the hole.

But let me get this straight.

It hurts like hell.

I started crawling and looking for lemon, or anything sour. The knife or any sharp object can wait, I mean, I could just use one of Marshmallow's claws or something, since he's sleeping in fox form.

I looked around, trying to find some sort of fruit that was sour or anything that's acidic, even though it would probably hurt worse.


My vision started blurring as the urge of having to sleep grew.

Anything sour...

I desperately clawed on the ground, trying to get rid of the drowsiness.


I yawned.

It wouldn't hurt to take a little nap, right?

With that, I fell into the spiral of darkness, finally giving in to the urge to sleep.

And that was when the nightmares begun.

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